10 3 1

I woke up with a bullet like pain in my head.

It felt like I was having Deja Vu, because when I woke up, I saw Mr. Davis sitting on a chair beside my bed.

I sat up straight on the bed and looked at him.

"Tell me. Tell me why this is happening. Tell me why I keep fainting liked this from time to time. This has happened twice now and I experienced the same pain both times." I said, frantically.

"Hey, hey. Relax, my son. I'll tell you everything." He gives me a soft smile.

He hands me a glass of water and begins, "See, the reason why you've fainted twice now with the same sharp pain is because you were made for this, you're a gifted teleporter. I've done all my research, my projects and experiments in this very house, that is why all this effects your mind and gives you sharp pain in your head." He explains.

I nod. "So is this going to happen often?"

"No," He shakes his head. "Slowly but surely, this unconsciousness and pain will go away and stop. But it won't stop unless you don't completely learn how to teleport."

I take a steady breath and nod.


"Okay, now bring it back to it's original place." Mr. David's voices echoes.

I do as he says and bring it back with lots and lots of struggle.

"Come on you can do it. Just put a little bit more concentration, alright." He encourages me.

And then I do it. Not to brag, but I was getting pretty good at this whole meditation plus teleporting thing.

I open my eyes and look staring at Mr. Davis.

He smiles at me.

"How did I do?" I ask him nervously.

"You did absolutely wonderfully." He says in a excitement.

What would I have done without him? I think to myself.

I stand up and go hug him.

This is where I was and am meant to be.


It had been a week since I learned the concept on how to teleport.

I had been practicing since then.

Mr. Davis told me I was doing absolutely excellent as a new learner and that I was truly meant for this.

To be honest, it was hard. This wasn't something I'd thought I'd be doing. Especially after my family passing away.
This was the last thing on my mind.

I thought I'd live a lonely and depression filled for the rest of my life, but I was wrong.

All the pain I once felt had numbed down.

I didn't want to think about it. I couldn't. Whenever I did, guilt took over me. I couldn't, when the reason my family died was because of me. If I had just been there in-

The sound of a mug hitting the table brought me out of my messy thoughts.

I shook my head and looked at my mug of coffee. I looked up to see Mr. Davis coming to sit on the chair opposite to me.

"Thank you for the coffee." I tell him.

"No worries." He replies back.

Several silent moments pass and I decide to speak up, "Erm, so what's next? Like what are you going to teach me next?"

He smiles and asks me to follow him into the room.

"Well, Edward, what's next is very tricky. Very complicated, Challenging if you ask me but if done the right way, it's a piece of cake." He informs me.

He looks at my nervous face and laughs softly, "Now now there's no need to get nervous, alright. You've already learned the basic concept of teleportion. Now all that's left to do is implement it the right way."

I cross my arms and nod.

"A couple of months ago, someone told me there is a Scottish man working on a very huge project. No one knows what. People say he's keeping it a secret, that when the time will come, he'll make the announcement to everyone," He adjusts his coat.

Where was he going with this?

"You might be wondering, how is this in any way related to teleportion. Well, it's not. What you have to do is teleport to where this man lives. Find out, what his huge project is and then you'll teleport a few years in the future and get to know if his project ever went successful." Mr. Davis tells me.

I was stunned.

"So, you're basically asking me to spy on him?" I was appalled.

"Oh no, no. Never would I ask you to do such a thing. What I'm trying to say is, I want you to help him. If you find out what this man is working on then go several years ahead in the future, you could help and let him know if he'll turn out to be successful, if that'll be the case." He tells me.

"Ah, alright. I'll do it," I smile. "But, where does this man live and how am I to know where his house is?"

Mr. Davis smiles, "Just leave that on me. I'll figure that one out. Tomorrow is going to be your first ever teleportion trial. So it's best you get as much as sleep
as you possibly can. Tomorrow is show time."

I smirk and say, "Lets do this."

A/N: Hello readers! Hope you're enjoying this novel as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Hope y'all are doing well! Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

And also before I say my goodbyes I'd like for you all to check out my mate's paidforbreathingg novel,
"A Desi Bucket list"

And also before I say my goodbyes I'd like for you all to check out my mate's paidforbreathingg novel, "A Desi Bucket list"

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Trust me, you won't regret reading it

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Trust me, you won't regret reading it.

Anyways see y'all in the next chapter!

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