8 3 2

I walk towards Mr. Davis's room and knock on his door.

A few seconds later I hear a "Come in" and so I enter.

I twist the door knob and see Mr. Davis getting up from his seat.

"Ah, yes, my son. I was just about to come to you." He smiles and pats me on the shoulder.

I return his smile.

I sit on a chair by his small bed and he sits back down on his work chair.

There were papers scattered everywhere on his table, a mug of half-drunk tea kept on the corner.

I nudge my chin towards the scattered papers, "What's this all about?"

"That's what I had to talk to you about. I was up all night doing even more research on the man we discussed about yesterday," He starts to arrange his important papers into a neat pile. "These papers were some documents based on the information about that man and his history."

I nod, "What did you find out?"

"Well, alot. His name is Alexander Graham Bell. He is Scottish man who is a scientist and an engineer. He is currently living somewhere in Massachusetts." He tells me.

I rest my back against my chair and fold my arms, "How will I know exactly where he lives?"

"How do I tell you this? Let's just say, I have resources. I know somebody who knows where Alexander lives." He says, worry in his eyes.

"Alright. Is everything okay?" I was concerned.

"I am just worried, scared. What if someone catches you, sees you just teleporting and coming out of nowhere." He says.

"Nothing like that is going to happen. Everything's going to be just fine, alright, sir." I tell him, smiling.

"I know you're not going to let anything happen anyway." He grins.

I wink at him.


Massachusetts, constituent state of The United States of America.

That's where I was. This is where I was currently standing.

This was the
first time I was actually teleporting to a location.

I was nervous to say the least. Doing this without Mr. Davis was nerve-racking.

Everything was confusing. I had no idea where to go, whom to ask, where to look for, for the man I was in search for.

Mr. Davis had told me that one of his mate's would be waiting for me. His name was Arthur, same age as Mr. Davis.

I start to search for him, according to Mr. Davis he'd be standing at the exact location where I teleported to, near a coffee shop.

Before I could go looking any farther, A man steps right in front of me.

He was wearing something almost similar to what I was wearing.

Flat- front trousers, boots, a roomy shirt, a vest and a beige jacket to top it off.

"Erm, excuse me, sir. Could you please step out of my way? I'm kind of in a rush." I say as politely as possible.

He completely ignores what I just said and speaks, "Edward Peirce? Right?"

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

He brings his hand out to shake mine and says, "Nice to meet you. Arthur."

"Oh, I'm so terribly sorry. I didn't know it was you," I shake his hand.

"Totally fine." He says.

"Okay so what's the plan?" I ask.

"Just follow my lead." He waves me over with his hand.

We walk through the busy streets of Massachusetts.

Carriages carrying people from one place to another.

People chit-chatting in the coffee shops.

Men rushing to work in the broad day-light.

Women shushing their crying babies.

It was a feeling that generated again. Something I hadn't realized I missed until this very moment.

The city life was something I had missed deeply.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized we were out from the noise and were now walking in the woods.

The expanse of trees ahead of me looked as if they were never ending.

Unnecessary criss-crossed pathways with crickets chirping along the way was a sight to behold.

Any sign of the sun had vanished as if the sky was filled with dark grey clouds all along.

"Is the house somewhere nearby here?" I ask.

"Yes, just a little far ahead. Probably take us 2 to 3 minutes to get there." He turns his head to look at me.

I nod.

Just as Arthur had told me, we got their in the next 2 minutes.

It was a small cabin-like hut.

I looked at Arthur and said, "Thank you for helping me out."

He nods as if to say "you're welcome"
"I'll be waiting outside."

I nod.

I knock on the door and a few seconds later the door open and a man's head peeks out.

"Hello. Can I help you?" He asks.

I clear my throat and say, "Hello, yes. Erm are you Alexander Abraham Bell?"

"That's me. Can I help you with anything?" He asks, confused.

"Yes. I need to talk to you about something. If that's alright with you?" I say.

"Erm, sure. Come on in." He open the door wide and I come in.

I sit on the chair surrounding the table and he sits across from me.

"Can I offer you anything? Something to drink?" He asks.

"I'm good, thank you." I tell him

"Anyways, what I had to talk to you about was.."

And I tell him the whole purpose of what I was doing at his place. I tell him I was someone who had the ability to teleport. I tell him that whatever project he's working on, I'm going to teleport ahead in time and find out if it ever gets successful.

His face was in shock.

A few quiet moments later he spoke, "I don't know what to say. This is all so exciting but nerve-racking at the same time."

"I know, I know. This is all very hard for you to process but if you give me permission, I can help you out." I tell him, calming him down.

He nods and slowly smiles, "Alright."

A/N: Hii guys! Hope you liked this chapter! This chapter was very fun to write especially because this chapter is the base for the coming up chapters! So if you liked this chapter, make sure to vote, share and and give me your feedback. I'd love to hear it! See ya soon!

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