Su pedido

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The music stopped and it was time to go back stage,my shift isn't that long unless men request for my presence then I can stay longer...

"Nikita te necesitan en la habitación
roja" great just as I thought my work here was over someone just had to request for me....

Quien es esta vez? "One of my best customers and he's ready to pay a huge amount of money"...

Now you've gotten my much are we talking about here?

"Triple the amount of the money you normally make in one night" oh shit! That's a lot of money la señora..

"I know so don't mess this up,you understand?"...yes señora "good now go before you make him impatient" and with that I started heading into the red room..

The red room is mostly where influential men request to meet their booty call or stripper for the night...whoever this guy was must be a big shot wasting his money like that,but who am I to judge I'm trying to make a living here..

As I entered the room it was really dark couldn't see properly through the mask I was eye's scanned the room and at the far end of the room sat the guy I'm supposed to meet...

He also was putting on a mask so I could only see his eye's nose and I walked close I noticed he had the same color of eyes as the guy I saw earlier while I was dancing...

From afar I could already tell he was a dangerous guy.."ven aquí nena" I didn't even need to be told twice my body moved on it's own,the sound of his voice was enough to make any girl wet and I wasn't an exemption..but I wasn't gonna let him know that cause I'm not as weak as other girls...

I stood in front of him staring at his eye's not showing any emotions at all,his were as cold as ice..if I thought I was good at hiding my emotions he was better...

We were both just staring at each other neither wanted to speak but I was getting bored already and I had better things to do so I breake the silence...

So why did you request for me el señor?

"I didn't ask you to speak did i? You do not speak unless asked to!"

Who does this asshole think he is for crying out loud!just cause he's gonna pay me lot of money dosen't mean he gets to talk to me however he wants...someone needs to put him at his place and I was gonna do just that..

Don't tell me what to do!...he grabbed by wrist really tight and brought my face closer to his..."Fiesty huh ain't you little one,but let me warn you if you open your tiny little mouth again to talk when I didn't ask you..oh believe me I'll make you regret it mi amore!"

If you think threatening me will make me fear you,then think again cause you've got another thing coming your way. So if you ain't gonna tell me what you want me to do and stop giving me orders as if you own me,then you can shove your money into your ass...cause let me tell you this nobody and by nobody I mean no one owes me!

He looked at me and smirked...only if I had known I should had kept my mouth quiet....

He suddenly grabbed my hair and forced me to my knees taking out a gun and pointing it to my head...shit my blood was boiling I couldn't think straight is he going to kill me?and then dump my body in an unknown place even if he did no one will come looking for me...

"You were saying? don't know who you're trying to mess with here...and believe you me I'll make you mine till every part of your body realize that you belong to me...I'll make you scream my name so loud that you won't be able to talk".

"You won't be able to walk for day's you know why?cause I'll claim every single part of you,and I'll be the only thing you think about"

All I could do was nod my head tears were trying to fall down but I didn't let them no way was I gonna let him think for a second that I am weak...and if he thinks he's ever gonna claim me then he better wake up from that sick dream of his cause that will never ever happen...

I looked up at his face held his hand that was holding the gun and shouted...

Apretar El gatillo!...he looked at me shocked definitely wasn't expecting me to say that...if he thought for a second that I was afraid of dying then he better think again....

You think I'm afraid of dying?I scoffed...I have nobody who will mourn for me or look for me even if I disappeared for an entire year...not even a cat or a dog that I'll think about that might need me at least....I have no one!so pull the trigger I dare you....for a second I saw an emotion in his eye's but I couldn't make out what it was...I closed my eye's welcoming my own very sad death...but I didn't hear any gun sound....

He pulled the gun from my head and said four words that I wasn't expecting...

Ven a trabajar para mi(come work for me).

Thanks for reading I hope you liked it😊 are some of the translations of the Spanish words I used...

"Nikita te necesitan en la habitación roja" *Nikita you're needed in the red room"
"Quien es esta vez?" *Who is it this time?

"LA señora" *madame

"Ven aquí nena" *come here baby girl

"Apretar El gatillo" *pull the trigger

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