curse and blessing

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I got up and looked at him as if he had grown two heads...and why should I come work for you?I asked folding my hands..."well cause I'll pay you more than any job could" he said while puffing a smoke...

And what makes you think I need the money?..."You and I both know you do hon so no need to act like you have everything solved"....I do need money but definitely not yours...I was about to walk away when he said something that made me stop on my tracks...

"One billion when the contract ends after a year,you can either take it or leave it"

I turned to look at him he must be joking right!cause ONE FREAKING BILLION ain't a child's play I'll probably had to work for decades maybe till I have wrinkles,then I might be lucky enough to get 50 million at least....

And what's type of job are we talking about here cause I'm definitely sure you don't need me babysitting you do we now?....he smirked "oh believe you me you'll be doing more than just babysitting if it involves me" I just muttered under my breath asshole..

"Sorry what did you say?"....nothing much just that I thought you're an asshole....he started rubbing the gun on his temple..."You really are something else ain't you?"....I just shrugged...

"Anyways as for the job I want you to  get some important information from someone" and what type of information are we talking about here...

"None that involves you!" Well then find someone else to do your dirty job I said as I started walking away...."it better you don't know cause if you do then you'll be putting yourself and everyone you know in danger"....

Other than my roommate I don't have anyone I care about...and besides I don't know what type of job you're offering it definitely not some kind of easy job or else you would had pay less....

"Well I gotta say you're smart and you ain't wrong,I know that you're good at luring men and getting what you want from them so that why I think this job will be perfect for you"

So what you need from me is to lure this guy into my trap and getting info from him?..."yes you're right what I need is for you to seduce him and then get his files from his safe"....

And what if he tries sleeping with me?..."then you give him what he wants"...

What! I'm not some slut who sleeps with just anyone cause they want to..."You work at a club as a stripper which makes you a slut"....

You're joking ain't you? It not like I'm doing it for fun and some of us need to work our asses off every second just to get food on the table unlike you rich ass arrogant men who waste money like it nothing,you need me more than I need you...

"We both know there are tons of other things you can do other than strip for money" he said looking at me in a disgusting way "and you need me more than I need you cause all you think about is mon..." my hands reached his face before he finished what he wanted to say...

You're sick go find yourself someone who can be a slut for you and can handle all your bullshit...and with that I walked away angry as hell I haven't even known this guy for a day and he already got on my nerves...he can shove all his money in his ass for all I care...

"Where are you going nikita?" Home madame "home!? This early did you meet the guy I told you to?"...

Yes I did and he's an asshole for all I care "what you can't say that about my clients nikita unless you want to lose your job!"...

I'm sorry ma'am but I need to go I'll see you tomorrow"...I didn't even bother to listen to whatever she had to say cause I was done with people telling me what to do for the day..

It was already midnight which means the streets weren't safe anymore..just great all thanks to that asshole good thing I always walk with my pepper spray....

I decided to take a short cut instead cause I felt as if someone was following me...

A group of guys were walking by looking all drunk and shit..."where you going shawty?" One of them asked smelling like alcohol...

I just continued walking "didn't you hear him" another one said while standing in front of me...move "what did you say?"

I said move before I do something to you that might leave you in the hospital for weeks!...."haha shawty said she could beat us up"..they all started laughing "well why don't we see what you really are made of" of the guy whose name I think is Ray started touching me ok this guy just dug his own grave...

Well since y'all asked for it..I grabbed his hand twisted it and then kicked him in his manhood the others looked shocked cause they didn't expect me to know how to fight...well growing up my father thought me martial art he was a very powerful man but like I said my past isn't one to talk about but...

You two want a taste of what I gave him?if you do please be my guest...I was about to rush at them when they ran off..pussies I scoffed when I heard clapping behind me..."Wow didn't view you as someone who could fight Nikita"...

As I turned to look who said that I was indeed shocked cause damn was he beautiful with mid length jet black curly hair straight nose a small heart shape mouth dark eyebrows a scar at the left side of his eye and silver eye's..wait did I say silver eye's is he the dude who I figured to be an!

Why's it that the people who are complete assholes get to look so good and eatable at the same time it not fair...

"You know I was about to help you chase them off but when I saw you fight I couldn't help but just watch and stare,so I decided not to get my pretty hands dirty"...

Yeah right I said while rolling my eyes..."you're hot smart a lady good at seducing and can also fight,who are you Nikita?"....

That question is one I never plan on ever answering cause it not something anyone can handle...if people knew who I really was they will probably try to kill me cause of who my father is...especially his enemy....and I didn't escape my father's world just to be killed for it so that why my real identity must be kept a secret for as long as I live..ever heard of someone being both a curse and a blessing?...well that what my real name the reason why I'm still alive and might also be the reason for my death.

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