Everything about you

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The entire ride with Carlos was quiet I tried starting a conversation but man the guy was like a robot,he dosen't say much but I wasn't gonna give up..

Sooo Carlos how long have you been working for Diego?..."since we were kids" really now?and why's that?..."that actually none of your business"

No need to be grumpy...I said folding my hands to my chest

"We've arrived" I looked out of the glass and there stood a really tall but fancy skyscraper damn how rich is this guy...

Carlos got out to open the door and this time I didn't stop him since I was enjoying the view infront of me...

Waw was all I could say didn't realize I was drooling over a building "like the view already?" I've seen better and with that I started walking inside as if I've been in there before and then I felt someone hold my wrist stopping me in my tracks..

I looked to see who dared to touch me without my permission...it was carlos he just continued walking whilst holding my wrist without even looking at me...

Didn't anyone ever tell you that touching someone without their permission is an offense...."and didn't anyone tell you to enter someone's building without permission is considered theft?" ....

I just smirked since he was easy to tease but always replies in a sassy way,just the way I like it

We entered an elevator which I think was the Vip section...it was empty when we entered....he pressed the 6th floor which I think we were heading to...

It was so quiet that you could possibly hear the sound of my hearth beating...
I couldn't tell where carlos was watching since he was putting on a dark shade...

Carlos...."don't start" you know I don't like being told what to do right?I'm sure your boss told you...

He then turned to me and stood right infront of me removing his shades damn his eyes were beautiful too beautiful to look away..."and you don't know I like taming the likes of you,so don't test me Jackie" the way he said it made me feel hot for no absolute reason at all...

I just turned my face to the other side and he went back to where he was standing whilst putting his shades back on...not gonna lie this is the first time a guy had succeeded to make me feel something....ding the elevator doors opened and he stepped out as I followed behind him...

He stopped to talk to a lady that was sitting at a desk...."esta diego adentro?"
She just nodded her head..."follow me" Carlos instructed I just did as I was told without complaining which was odd...

As I followed behind Carlos I could feel the lady's death stare at me hmm someone has a thing for Carlos I see...

"Wait here I'll come get you" Sure leave me all alone with your woman "wait what ah never mind" he probably didn't understand what I was talking about...oblivious robot

I decided to just scroll through my phone until he comes back...."so you're his new booty call I see" I looked up to see who was the idiot that said such thing. Oh it's lady death stare...I decided to just play along...

"And who's asking I don't suppose it you" I said eyeing her up and down...

"Pftt there's nothing special about you anyway" "at least I don't look like you I replied back whilst pretending to laugh..."and what's that supposed to mean?" It means exactly what it should be not like I expect you to understand anyway...she was about to say something when Carlos called out to me...

You're lucky your prince charming saved you before I could roast you alive I said in her ears as I walked past her....

"Making enemies already I see" and who said I was?....he just smirked and shaked his head as I entered the room he came out of...

When I entered Diego was sitting at his desk looking at some files.

"Well hello Jackie" I was fuming with anger already so I just lashed out what was on my mind "did you do a background check on me?"He stopped what he was doing and looked up to me
"Yes I did" and then continued looking at his files as if my presence wasn't important..

"And why did you do that!?" "Cause I wanted to know who I will be working with obviously!" Makes sense but still..
"You breached my privacy you know that right?"

"Yes I do Jackie but for an unknown reason I didn't find out much,just the fact that your name is Jackie RODRIGUEZ also known as Nikita you're 21 born in Las Vegas and you've always been in Las Vegas parent you don't even have any school records relatives none!siblings none!it as if you've hidden everything about you,but the good thing is you have no prison records maybe you even hid that one as well"

He rambled on and on "I told you I had no one I'm all alone what there not to believe!what do you want me to tell you!" I shouted without realizing it..

"Everything Jackie everything who are you really?"..."no one I'm just Jackie RODRIGUEZ the girl with no past" I really hope he just believes that and stop trying to dig up stuff's I've already buried...he shaked his head "I don't believe that,cause if you've hidden this much information it's means you're running from something or someone" he's right I'm actually running from something and that's my past..

"I'll find out everything about you Jackie I promise you"

"Suit yourself if you want to know so much about me then go ahead,but don't be surprised when you find out nothing. You know what I don't think you need me to work for you if you can't even trust me" and with that I stormed off not even stopping when he called out to me.

As I stepped out my head hit a wall or was it someone's chest?"I'm sorry mrs"

I looked up to see who it was..a guy wearing a black suit stood infront of me but he wasn't alone another guy and two ladies were with him and each of them were putting on black...

Is this some kind of dress code or what cause I remembered my dad's men used to dress like that all the time that it made me thought black was the only color they knew...

"It okay" I said while rubbing my forehead not making it too obvious "told you to stop working out too often,see you almost breaked this poor lady's head" the rest of them burst out laughing even I couldn't hold back my laugh..

"My name's jasmine" a lady with curly blonde hair spoke holding out her hand for me to shake "Jackie" I said whilst shaking her hand "it nice meeting you Jackie"...."Shall we go in now don't want Diego screaming on us cause we're late"a guy whose with brown hair spoke and with that they headed inside..."hope we see again Jackie" jasmine said and then followed inside as well...

I guess they might be business partners with Diego cause I doubt that guy has any friends....

Carlos was laughing with a lady sitting on a desk...so he can laugh at jokes didn't view him as the fun type "um hey" he stopped whatever he was doing the moment he noticed my presence just great robot Carlos was back...

Even the lady was now staring at me giving me a death stare what wrong with these ladies giving me death stares they should stop cause I definitely don't want their man....he ain't even my type to begin with even though he's hot.

"I will see you later Daphne" he started walking not even spearing me a glance I guess I just need to follow him not like I had enough money on me to pay for a cab anyways.

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