involuntary jealousy

697 49 3

<< If I could do everything my mind wants, believe me, my life would be easier >>

- Matias A.

There were days when Yoongi was not able to fall asleep because NamJoon fell into his thoughts again, as if a punishment was tormenting him.

He didn't want to see him and he was pretty sure nam didn't want to see him too, after all he had yelled things that shouldn't have been. He regretted it, maybe he did, but that didn't change anything, it wasn't like he was going to solve that problem, he had decided that way.

There were days when he drank from dawn and smoked until he fell asleep or made the attempt with the hope of achieving it, he looked more and more at the calendar and could see how the days flew by, there were days when he thought how he would be and wanted go see him, but he couldn't, he shouldn't, because he had his girlfriend and he couldn't think of anyone but JiWoo.

However , he finally decided to walk out of his apartment to refresh his mind or well , almost yellowish body with the wind that blew through the park , so calm until he saw him , there was NamJoon with a brown boy , that same "idiot " who had dared to challenge him on the day of the supermarket.

They were sitting on a park bench, this guy SeokJin was caressing Nam's extended belly, who at that time had to be 4 and a half months old. The green-haired man did not know why , but an uncontrollable rage burned within him controlling him until he was in front of them and hitting Jin .

******** HOURS BEFORE * ********

Nam woke up early, as much as he could with the tiredness that was invading him during the entire course of the pregnancy. Lately his conversations with SeokJin had become romantic and NamJoon didn't like it, he was afraid of falling in love again, of being hurt and that's why he wanted to reject the love that the chestnut-haired man professed for him.

However, there was the possibility that Seokjin would make him happy and he could forget Min Yoongi now and forever, but even thinking about that hurt him a lot.

That same day NamJoon received a message from Jin asking if he wanted to go to the park to chat for a while and even with scrambled thoughts he decided to answer the message in the affirmative.

Kim Seokjin

"Hey Namie, do you want to go to the park today for a chat? » >

"To the park ? Okay... I guess I need to de-stress for a while»

Send at 10:36

Kim Seokjin

« Perfect , I 'll pick you up at 2 in the afternoon , do you think ? » >

Seen at 10:45

«Okay, I'll wait for you here where Jimin is then, by the way, he's not, so don't shout his name... Don't be nervous either, today I'm alone, Minnie is working>>

Send at 10:57

Kim Seokjin

« Ah... Okay hehe... See you in a bit » >

Seokjin is gone offline.

After their conversation was over, Nam went to get ready and then decided to eat some cereal with fruit to entertain his stomach from what he would probably eat with SeokJin. He involuntarily smiled at the thought of the brunette and that made him run a hand over his belly keeping his pretty smile.

He had breakfast watching TV, then decided to clean up a bit and lose track of time while it was 2 o'clock to see Jin.

Anyway , time passed and Jin finally arrived , he smiled and NamJoon locked the door . They talked on the way to the park and sat on a bench that was protected by the shade of a tree.

Their pleasant talk began to take the direction that Nam did not want.

-J- Jin... Listen... I'm trying to get over Yoongi still... I don't want to hurt you but... I can't go out with you- NamJoon was quick to say when SeokJin wanted to kiss his lips.

-I understand, but I really like you, we've been knowing each other for a month and a half NamJoon and I feel like I can't let you go, you have everything I ever dreamed of and I can't just let you go...- He mentioned with a sad smile but his look was determined.

-I'm glad you understand... Look, I'm not telling you to stop trying... Maybe you're changing my perspective on things, it's just that as you know... Yoongi hurt me a lot and I don't want to go through that again- now Namjoon's voice turned soft and shy.

- You don't have to give explanations Nam, you don't have to feel pressured either, maybe with the attempt of the kiss I will rush... But I won't do it again if you don't want to... I'll wait as long as necessary NamJoon- Jin whispered and took Nam's hands in his and then placed a kiss on the cheek of the blue-haired man who blushed and smiled shyly.

********** present *********

The last thing he remembers was that moment because everything else happened so fast that he didn't understand what had happened. But Jin was on the ground with one cheekbone bulging and Yoongi still had his fist out and a dark look of anger on his gaunt face.

Then NamJoon reacted and slapped Yoongi who seemed to wake up from a kind of trance. The pregnant man gave Jin his hand, even though he didn't need it, accepted the help and got up using his own strength, but he wouldn't tell Nam.

-What the hell is wrong with you Min Yoongi?!- NamJoon exalted yelled staring at him.

-Oh?- Yoongi didn't know why he had done it, he had felt so much anger, so much accumulated rage that he simply got carried away by his instincts and hit the brunette.

-Why did you hit Jin? ! -He growled again, NamJoon was furious and had put his hands on his hips, that showed it.

-Nam, Nam, please calm down, you shouldn't get upset, think about little Kim- Jin intervened, facing the pregnant man and caressed his belly to make him see reason.

-I think baby is child of a Min- Refuted the green-haired man and grunted slightly.

- He or she does not have a father, in any case they have Jimin, Jin and my brother Hobi to take care of him and help me, because his father is dead to me - NamJoon said squeezing Jin's hand, who despite not he complained if he felt pain.

-baby is still a Min- Yoongi was beginning to be extremely irritating to NamJoon and that was bad.

- YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BABY! NOT A MIN! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY AN OPINION AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COME TO ONE OF MY DATES AND BEAT JIN!- Nam yelled closing his eyes helplessly and then screamed clinging to Jin who hugged him protectively.

-You are already happy ? That you wanted ? Hurt him more? What has NamJoon done to you, Min Yoongi?- Jin's voice was cold, he was upset but he wasn't going to throw himself at the green-haired man, he wasn't going to do it for NamJoon.

Yoongi didn't say anything anymore, he just turned around and left, especially because he didn't understand the reason for his behavior, it was strange even for him, the simple fact of having hit someone out of anger in that way, in case he felt... Jealousy?

Impossible , he did not love NamJoon , but to tell the truth ... He don't know himself anymore .


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I hope you all like today's chapter .
Sorry for mistakes.
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