Get In Line

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Mei was shocked at what the teacher just said

Mei: What? But Mr. K he-

Miriam: Mei chill.


The five girls left gym class and went to the girls bathroom and Mei was clearly mad

Miriam: calm down Mei

Priya: dude keep it together

Jia: you need to relax

Mei: I can't! We need to see this concert. Why doesn't our mom get that? We never asked for anything. Our whole lives we've been her perfect little girls. Temple duties! grades!

Jia: tennis

Abby: violin!

Priya: tap dancing

Mei: Yeah. We've been so good. If they don't trust us anyway then what's the point?

Miriam: wow who are you? I love it! Wow! Who are you? I love it!

Abby: Fight the power!

Jia: maybe I should let loose a little bit to

Mei: Yeah. Yeah! This isn't just our first concert. This is our first step into womanhood. And we have to do it together.

Miriam: I'm in girl. We'll say it's a sleepover at my house.

Abby: the perfect crime!

Mei: yes! My mom will never know.

Jia: I already have $200 saved up from birthday money so that just leaves $800 dollars

Mei: perfect! Now we just got to raise the rest of the money for tickets. Come on girls think!

Everyone tried to think of ideas.

Abby: you know what'll help me think? A little panda.

Mei: Now?

Jia: someone could see

Abby: Come on! It'll clear my mind. Just a little hit! It's so cute!

Mei: fine

Abby hugged Mei and Mei thought of 4 to get her excited. She turned into the red panda

Panda Mei: happy?

Abby: Oh yeah. That's the stuff.

Stacy: OMG!

Panda Mei Abby Jia Miriam and Priya turned around to see three girls staring at Panda Mei. She hid in a bathroom stall and her friends and sister stood in front of it

Panda Mei: go away!

Stacy: That was you in the bathroom! I didn't imagine it!

Miriam: Yeah you did.

Priya: Get lost Stacy

Jia: leave my Mei alone

Stacy: But she's like a magical bear?

All: Red Panda!

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