Everyone Is Here

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Mei turned back into a human

Mei: what do you want?

Tyler: I wanna throw a sick birthday party. An epic one. It's this Friday. If you're there everyone will come.

He gave her a flyer for his birthday party

Mei: a party?

Jia: that's all you want?

Tyler: Look I've done you a favor keeping my mouth shut. All I'm asking for is one back.

Mei: hmmm I'll do it. But it'll cost you one- No. Two hundred bucks.

Tyler: ok

Mei grew a red panda tail

Mei: hold please.

She left to talk with her friends and sister

Miriam: Are you serious? You can't trust him.

Jia: we should think about all this first

Abby: it's a trap!

Priya: This sounds like a boy girl party. Are we allowed to go to a boy girl party?

Mei: Guys! Two hundred bucks will put us over the top! We have to do this. We'll meet at Tyler's I'll do my thing and then we'll all bounce. Easy.

Miriam: what about your mom?

Mei: Forget my mom!

Jia: The chances of all of us getting caught is very high

Mei: it won't happen Jia I promise. I'll be back before she even knows I'm gone.

Jia: i'm trusting you on this

Mei: thanks Jia.

Mei went back to Tyler

Mei: We're in. But you only get the panda for an hour. And we're are not bringing any presents.

Tyler: deal

They both shook hands


Back home Jia and Mei we're ready to go to Tyler's birthday party

Mei: Okay we're heading off to mathletes See you later!

Ming: Wait what about dinner? I made all your favorites.

The table was filled with all of mei and Jias favorite food. It was hard to resist but they had to

Mei: Thanks, but Miriam's dad is uh ordering pizza. Save us leftovers?

Jia: we'll come back in an hour

Ming: What if I come with you?

Mei and Jia: what-

Ming: What are you doing? Linear equations? Geometry? I have a double jointed elbow! Look I can make a perfect circle!

Ming made a full circle with her arm

Mei: but it'll be super boring

Jia: yeah it's the same thing every time

Mei: Wouldn't you rather hang with Dad?

Ming: ...Let's get my flashcards.


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