Party Crashers

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Wu walked in the room

Wu: can I have a word with you both?

Mei: sure. What's up?

Wu took out some red panda fur from her pocket

Wu: I found this. Strange for a girl who hasn't let her panda out.

Mei: it's not mine!

Jia: it's not mine either!

Wu: I know it's not your Jia. Mei I know how hard it is to keep the beast in. It feels so good to let it out. So free. But each time you do the stronger it gets. And then you'll be stuck with it forever and the ritual will not work. The same thing could happen to you Jia

Mei: Has that ever happened?

Wu: it cannot happen. Your mother and I were close once but the red panda took that away. I couldn't bear to see that happen to you. So no more panda. Both of you are your mother's whole world. I know you'll do what's right. Keep your sister safe Jia

Jia: I will I promise

Mei and Jias grandma left there bedroom

Mei: come on Jia we're late for the party

Jia: Mei did need did you not hear what she just said? Letting the panda out this much is dangerous

Mei: don't worry I have a plan


Mei and Jia arrived at Tyler's birthday party which was at his house but Mei was only dressed up as a red panda

Mei: what's up everyone?

Jia: sorry we're late

Tyler: What are you wearing?

Mei: Hey Tyler. Happy birthday.

Tyler: I'm paying for the red panda not this garbage! Deal's off!

Jia: she still technically the red panda

Mei: Yeah! Can garbage do this?

Mai started dancing then abby Miriam and Priya took Mei and Jia to another room to talk

Miriam: Are you feeling okay?

Mei: Guys it's hard to explain but Just trust me on this. I can't panda anymore. I'm sorry.

Jia: The red panda gets harder and harder to control each time she transforms.

Miriam: got it. It's fine. Mei you don't have to do it. We'll just figure something else out

Jia: I won't go.

Mei: Jia no! You're going to love this concert!

Jia: I'm not even a big fan of 4 town

Mei: but it'll change your life!

Miriam: if we can't all go then none of us should go. Right?

Mei: ...just one last time

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