Imperfection Part 1

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Tyler got really scared so Jia jumped off the roof and tried to get her sister to stop

Panda Mei: Take it back! Don't talk about my family like that!

Jia: Mei stop your hurting him!

Jia turned around and saw her mom run up to them

Ming: Mei stop! What is going on here?!

Panda Mei let go of Tyler who was now crying

Tyler: I-I'm sorry. Just get off of me. Please.


In the front yard of Tyler's house his parents were yelling at ming while Mei Jia abby Priya and Miriam watched.

When Tyler and his parents went back inside Mei and Jia were ready to be yelled at but ming was mad at there friends

Ming: I can't believe you girls would use my daughters like this!

Miriam: What?

Priya: But we didn't.

Abby: No we'd never.

Mei and Jia: mom-

Ming: I knew you were trouble. Putting all these thoughts into Mei and Jias head parading them around. Now they are lying sneaking out. Msi attacked a defenseless boy. You think this is a joke? Do you know how dangerous this is?

Miriam: We didn't mean to, we just wanted to see 4-Town.

Ming: 4 Town!? You manipulated them for a bunch of delinquents?

Miriam: No! They wanted to...

Ming: Don't you blame her. That are good girls and you've taken advantage of them.

Miriam: Mei Jia tell her

Mei and Jia just hugged there mom

Ming: come girls. Let's go home


The next night Mei and her family were having dinner together outside

Wu: Long ago the spirits blessed the women of our family with a great challenge. Mei tonight is your turn and then it will Jias. Like all the women around this table you to will banish the beast and finally become your true self. May Sun Yee guide you and keep you safe.

Ming: Jia go help Mei get ready

Jia: of course mother


Jia was helping Mei get ready in there room but Mei kept thinking about what happened at Tyler's birthday party

Jia: this will all be over soon

Mei: I know. Thanks Jia

There dad knocked on the door

Mei: come in

Jin walked in the room

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