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Feather walked down her neighbourhood as she hid her eyes.
It was midnight and she knew that Bella would be asleep so she wasn't afraid to go home.
She walked thirds a car before stopping.
She looked at herself in the window to see her eyes.
Her now bright red eyes.
She looked perfect like every flaw disappeared but at the same time she looked like a demon but then again vampires are said to be a type of demon.
The scrubs she was wearing were covered with blood on one side only reminding her of what she was now.
She continued walking home as her house came into view.
She ran home causing her to get whiplash from her speed.
She jumped to her window on the side of the house and opened the window before running in.
The blood was still there, she could smell it from far away.
She looked around to see everything that was broken still broken and blood still splattered on the wall.
She walked up to her mirror to see herself fully.
She looked amazing.
Everything about her now was truly perfect but something inside her wanted her to stay dead.
She didn't want to be connected to the vampire that killed her.
She walked to her drawers and got out a black long sleeve tight shirt, black skinny jeans.
She got dressed before sitting on her bed.

The next morning the Volturi came causing Bella to feel like she was being strangled.
She stood on the stairs as Carlisle talked to the kings.
They were more than happy to help but that's what scared Bella.
She rushed upstairs after it all got too much and walked to Feather's room.
She touched the door before opening it to see Feather with red eyes and pale skin.
Feather stood up as Bella fell back.
"Edward," she said.
Feather looked at her "Edward" she said again with a more desperate tone.
Suddenly Edward was beside her.
"What's wrong?" said Edward before looking at Feather.
"I'm not trying to hurt you" she said.
"Your dead, you fucking died Feather.
I saw you, you didn't have a pulse" said Bella.
"The vampire bit me Bella, please let me explain," said Feather.
"What's going on?" said Carlise.
"Feather isn't dead," said Edward.
Feather walked out causing Carlise to freeze "Come with me," said Carlise.
Feather sat in the living room as the Cullens and Bella looked at her.
"Tell us who killed you," said Esme.
"A woman, blonde hair with deep red eyes.
Her name was Opal.
She wanted Bella but found me and Charlie and therefore killed us to lore you in.
She topped Charlie apart first then stabbed me with a dagger that looked thousands of years old.
She then bit me before throwing me to the ground.
Her voice sounded like a New York accent" said Feather.
"Opal, I've heard that name before," said Rosalie.
"Feather have you killed anyone?" said Carlise.
"Yes, but I used chemicals to melt the skin before crushing the bones to a thin powder.
I then threw the bones outside before leaving the hospital" said Feather.
"For a newborn, your hella focused," said Emmett.
She looked at him as Jane came into the room.
"The kings are getting restless," she said.
"I'll be there in a minute," said Carlise.
"The kings don't like to wait," said Jane.
"I understand," said Carlise.
Bella looked at Feather "I'm sorry" said Bella.
Feather looked at her "Where were you that night?" she said causing Bella to freeze.
"With Edward," said Bella.
"Doing what?" said Feather.
"Hunting the vampires, if I would have known you were dying I would have come home," said Bella.
Feather knew she was lying but she didn't care.
Her mind was still fuzzy.

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