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More weeks passed as Feather stood in a field with the Cullen's and the Volturi.
She was but Caius as he made her cling to him.
He enjoyed her touches because it was the only thing that made him accept that this all was real.
"I feel them, they're coming from all directions," she said as Aro nodded.
He had been teaching her how to use her gift before the battle and know she could destroy the world if focused enough.
She looked at the other side of the field as about a hundred vampires appeared from around the forest that surrounded them.
She looked at each one as they walked to a desired space.
"Hello doll, I see you survived," said the woman that killed Feather.
"You do not address her, know your place," said Caius.
The woman laughed "Someone's possessive" said Opal.
"They don't know who we are," said Aro.
"Impossible, every vampire that has ever lived knows of us," said Caius.
"I guess not," said Aro.
Caius growled "May I ask why we're here?
We have been doing what we were supposed to" said a man that had to be the leader.
"You have been killing humans and leaving the bodies which risk's our exposure," said Carlise.
"Indeed and in this new age any vampire that disobeys that one law must be destroyed," said Aro.
"You think you'll win, we're all gifted," said the man.
"Oh, I think you have no idea what we're capable of.
The numbers do not matter" said Aro.
"Is that so, then shall we dance" said the man.
Suddenly the vampires ran to them.
Aro gave the signal causing everyone to run except the kings and Feather.
"When I give the signal you will kill them all," said Aro.
She looked at him "Ok" she said before watching the fight.
Caius held her tightly to him as both sides fought.
The new coven was strong but too full of themselves.
They could fight but not good enough to beat their enemy.
Suddenly Opal looked at her and started to walk toward her only for her entire body to crack then shatter before lighting on fire.
Feather looked at her "Well done Feather" said Aro.
"I wish I could if made her hurt more, something simple is not enough," she said.
Caius looked at her "Do not worry you'll be able to get your share of violence soon amor" said Caius as he smiled.
She was almost as violent at him, mabey more.
She looked at him "She tore my father apart, the least I could do is do the same to her but I didn't" she said.
"You will even if you just bring her back just to destroy her," said Caius.
She looked back at the fight as she saw the guard and the Cullens destroy the coven.
There were a lot of them but when it was time she would wipe them out.
Time passed as more vampires kept shielding up causing the army to lose.
"Feather," said Aro.
She focused on them all as her pupils dilated.
Suddenly they all screamed and dropped to the ground as she made fire light inside their bodies giving her the revenge she craved.
Their skin melted off as she kept them alive so they had to feel each part of them burn.
Before Feather was introduced to the Volturi Jane was the most powerful guard and vampire in the Volturi but now Jane could stand a chance against Feather as Feather controls everything with her mind.
The vampires turned to ash before she closed off her gift.
Caius kissed her shoulder as lust filled his body after watching her kill hundreds of vampires with one ounce of focus.
She was the ultimate weapon.

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