Episode 5 (part 2)

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Kenobi pulled his hood further over his head as he approached the ominous hangar of the Daiyu South Port. The Inquisitor ship that he and Haja had seen earlier must have docked there.

He waited just out of sight till he saw the familiar white uniforms of the Empire Stormtroopers approach the entrance. There were five of them escorting four small figures inside. The group came to a stop as one of the stormtroopers talked with a guard at the entrance.

Kenobi pulled out his small pair of binocs and zoomed in to observe the four hooded figures. They reminded him of Jawas as they stood motionless between the white suits around them. One of them flinched as a guard prodded it onward. Kenobi knew they must be the Force Sensitive children being carted off to wherever they took them. The Princess must be among them.

He stood to his feet readying to find an unnoticeable way in when a particularly large Shocktrooper came into view carrying another cloaked figure over his shoulder. Kenobi ducked back down.

"Tried to get away, again, did she?" A guard jeered, his voice crackling through the transmitter.

"Yep—had to stun her this time." The ShockTrooper said, as he pulled out something from his belt and showed it to the guard.

"Stun her?"

"Yep, a full blast. She wouldn't stay still any other way."

"Is she all right?" The first guard asked.

"Who cares? Not worse than anything she's going to." The ShockTrooper took back his ID.

"If you damage her before she gets there, guess who gets the blame?"

One of the other stormtroopers standing at the entrance walked around towards the ShockTrooper's back and pulled away the hood that the figure was wrapped in. Kenobi stared at the pale face, her small mouth open just slightly as if she were in a deep sleep. He couldn't believe how much like her mother she looked, even at ten years old.

"She's all right. She'll sleep all the way to Lothal, I'm sure."

Kenobi moved from his spot in the shadows—if he did not act now, she would be lost. The troopers exchanged a few more words, as Kenobi approached looking much like just another traveler.

"Hold it—" one of the guards stopped talking with the ShockTrooper, and held up a hand to stop what he thought was an approaching vagabond. "I need some identification, sir."

"My ship is in the hangar." Kenobi replied simply.

"This hangar is currently under the lockdown of the Inquisitors of the Empire. No one leaves or comes without special permission. Identification, please."

Kenobi watched in dismay as the ShockTrooper moved past the guards, leaving them to do their jobs.

"Wait—" he called to him. He must not let the child leave his sight now—if he did, she would be lost. "Please—she is my daughter—"

The stormtroopers froze as the ShockTrooper stared coldly back at Kenobi. The old Jedi's chest heaved up and down with each breath—the only other sound was the faraway din of the Daiyu street market. A laugh crackled from the ShockTrooper.

"Don't worry old man—she'll be well taken care of." The ShockTrooper said and turned towards the hangar. Kenobi lost no time. He ignited his lightsaber and slashed with a graceful stroke the two guards that stood before him. The ShockTrooper turned around in surprise.

"You're—you're a—" the ShockTrooper pulled out one of his blasters and cried loud enough for everyone in the hangar to hear. "JEDI—JEDI!"

Kenobi lurched for him, deflecting the blaster fire that raced for him and knocked the tin soldier down to the ground. The child fell from the trooper's grasp and rolled over to the side.

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