Episode 6 (part 1)

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Obi-wan Kenobi stared in disbelief at the tall man in front of him. Master Qui-Gon Jinn didn't spare him a glance—he continued to gaze into the sun setting through the jungle of Coruscant skyscrapers, his hands hidden deep within his robes.

Obi-wan looked around him self-consciously. Luckily no one had heard his exclamation that still rang down the halls of the Jedi Temple. He attempted a more regal pose by hiding his own hands within his sleeves and turning towards the window as well. He was now shoulder-to-shoulder with Master Jinn.

"But, Master—" Obi-wan began again, more composed this time. "Master—you always talk of the Jedi Council's mistakes and misjudgements—" Obi-wan paused, still shocked at the news he had heard but a moment ago. "Wouldn't your joining the Council give you a chance to rectify those mistakes?"

Master Jinn's blue eyes still stared into the golden sun. He lips curved in his usual half-smile.

"The Council is not my course, Obi-wan. I have accepted that."

Obi-wan glanced down the hallway, and drew closer to his master.

"But how can you criticize them—and then refuse a seat when they offer it to you? I don't understand—"

"Not all things are meant to be understood, Obi-wan. Accept it—the Force does not always give us paths that are logical—sometimes it gives us whims, visions—or even desires. All of these can lead us in the will of the Force."

"Or to our own downfall." Obi-wan muttered. But his soul shriveled as Master Jinn turned his piercing gaze down towards him. Twelve years he had trained under Master Jinn, but somehow he still felt like a boy standing next to him.

"To join the council, Obi-wan, would mean that I must no longer be your master. And neither you—nor I—am prepared for that parting just yet."

Obi-wan's mouth fell open. He hadn't thought of what would happen to him should Master Jinn accept the position on the council. Obi-wan stared at his boots that grazed the very tip of his robe.

"I am ready for the trials, Master—do not refuse the position because of—"

"I will do what I think is best, Obi-wan."

The padawan continued to stare down at his boots. Master Jinn still did not think him ready to be a Jedi Knight even after five years of extra training.

The thought pained the old padawan. His thoughts drifted to his comrades who had not seen the parts of the galaxy that he had. They had not been to the far reaches of the outer rim—they had not sat in on powerful negotiations with chiefs and leaders, royalty and presidents. If Obi-wan was not ready now—when would he be?

"Do you trust me, Obi-wan?" Master Jinn's voice intruded on his thoughts. The sun had set by now, and the sky was dying from a vibrant orange to the blues and purples of night. Obi-wan looked up at his Master. His response was simple.


Master Jinn smiled, wrinkles creasing around his eyes and his cheeks. He turned his gaze back towards the sky. It was deep blue now, lit by the twinkling lights of the skyscrapers.

"You are cautious, Obi-wan—I know I can always count on you to arrive where you ought to be—no matter how long it takes you to get there."

"Thank you, Master." Kenobi said with a note of sarcasm at the back-handed compliment. Master Jinn pulled away from the window

"But enough of that—we must make preparations to leave at once." Master Jinn strode down the hallway.

"Leave? But Master, we just arrived—"

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