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Normal POV
That night, since it was a supposed date, I did myself up a bit more. I curled my hair, did some smokey eyeshadow, some dark red lipstick with a shine and wore a green dress. I wore a golden necklace and placed a clip in my hair.
I came out of the bathroom where I was changing and the bedroom was empty. "Loki?" I didn't see him anywhere. I peeked out of the bedroom and saw him on the couch. I walked into the living room and he looked up. "Hey, darling," he said, standing up. "Hi, handsome," I said back, hugging him. He kissed me on my cheek and cupped my face with his hand adoringly. "You look absolutely gorgeous tonight," he smiled.
"You don't look so bad yourself, sweetheart."
"You flatter me," he said. We walked out to the car and I started the engine. Once again, he held on tightly to the sides of the car. We drove to the Italian restaurant downtown. We parked and Loki, being a gentleman, opened the door for me and walked me inside the restaurant. We were sat down immediately and went into a cozy nook in the corner.
After we had ordered Loki took my hand. "May I just say you look ravishing my darling," (mMm bRoThEr yOu LoOk rAvIsHiNg) he said. "Mm, thank you dear," I replied. He took my hand and placed a kiss on it. I felt myself blush and shrank back. I propped myself upright and began to hear whispers. I looked at one woman who wouldn't stop gossiping about him--especially some particularly nasty things. I went over to her and said, "You know, if you've got something nasty to say about my boyfriend, you can say it to my face and let me deal with it." I made sure to add a nice, death-like smile to go along with it. The lady shut up after that.
As we left after eating, Loki elbowed me. "Boyfriend now, is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh shut up," I smirked. As it was only nearing six, we walked a bit. The sun was beginning to set so we sat on a bench along some beautiful flowers. As the sun went down over the horizon, a bright rainbow light came down on the concrete in front of me, causing us both to jump. Loki sprang in front of me. "Y/n, get back," he said. From the light emerged--Thor?? Holy shit the actual God of Thunder!!
"Brother! It's so great to see you!" He boomed, attracting the attention of many people passing by. "Thor, you idiot. I don't believe you know what subtle means," Loki rolled his eyes, scoffing.
"Guess what Father said?!"
"First of all, he's not my father, and second of all--"
"He said you could come home! I'm here to bring you back to Asgard!"
Loki's eyes widened. I felt his hand squeeze mine. "Oh, who is this?" Thor asked cheerily. He came up to me and kissed my free hand. "Uh, Y/n L/n. You must be Thor," I said quietly. He smiled and said, "I am indeed, Lady Y/n!"
"Thor, may I have a quick, private, word with you?"
"Of course, brother."
Loki turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "I'll only be a quick minute, love. Excuse me," he said. He went to Thor and I saw him say...words. Must not have been pleasant words by the expressions on their faces. Loki turned away from him and went back to me. "Darling, I am so, so sorry. I have to return to Asgard. I don't know when or if I'll be back, but just know that I love you, and I'll always love you, okay?" He said, tears rolling down his cheeks. My breath hitched in my throat.
"You--you can't take me with you?"
"No. I mean--why would I be able to?"
"No, I get it. You need to return to your home, I know," I said, smiling depressingly. Loki kissed me deeply, harder than he ever had before. Had he ever kissed me before? Like that? I leaned into the kiss, wiping his tears away. As we broke the kiss, Thor cleared his throat. "Loki, I may be able to do something," he said.
"I could return to Asgard and ask the Allfather if Lady Y/n could stay."
Loki's jaw dropped. "Stay--stay with me?" (No not trying to give you Gwen Stacy vibes) He asked. Thor nodded, his expression akin to an excited puppy. Loki turned and took my hands. "Would that be what you would like, darling?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him. "I would not get your hopes up, however. Odin is not the most, well, merciful person in the Nine Realms," Loki continued. I sighed and whispered, "As long as I can somehow see you again." Loki turned to Thor and said, "Go to him. I don't want to be separated from my lady any more than I have to." Thor nodded and was engulfed in a stream of rainbow light.
"Just in case, darling, I want to say goodbye," Loki choked. (Sorry!). I swallowed and cupped his face with my hands. "I love you so, so much. More than you would ever know, okay?" I said. He nodded and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you, dearest," he said, sweeping me into a tight hug. It must have looked pathetic, the two of us hugging. A few minutes passed and then the startling beams of rainbow light came down in front of us. "Brother, I have great news!" Thor said. "What? Tell me!" Loki said, not letting go of me.
"Lady Y/n may go with you to Asgard."
"Why are you speaking in that tone of voice? Odin placed a condition didn't he--"
"He did, Loki. In order to live in Asgard, Lady Y/n must become an Aesir. She has to eat one of Idunn's golden apples."
I hesitated as Thor presented a delicious golden apple in front of me. Loki blocked it and said, "You don't have to do this." I sighed and replied, "I love you. I am." I took the apple from Thor and ate a bite. "Love, it's faster if you eat the whole thing. The transformation I mean," Loki said. I downed the whole apple in less than five minutes. "Come, Loki. We have to get her to Asgard. Odin has to see her."

The God Who Fell to Earth (Loki xfemreader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now