Happy Birthday! (AmyxAmelia)

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This is for my best friend The-Hopeful-One. I hope you like it.


Everyone was at Amy's house setting up for the party. It was Amy's birthday and they were all gonna help celebrate it. They were finishing hanging decorations and banners for her. While that was happening Amelia was panicking a little bit since she didn't know what to get her. Everyone knew she liked Amy but didn't really know how to show it. She sighed and walked up to Sonic.

"Hey Sonic?"

"Hm?" Sonic asked as he was tying the end of a banner to the wall.

"I don't know what to get Amy still," she said and frowned.

"You'll know when she gets here, Rose."

"Are you sure that I will?"

Sonic finished with his work and looked at her. "I'm positive you will. And it has to come from your heart."

Amelia smiled a little bit and nodded. "Okay thanks."

Sonic smiled. "No problem." He got of the ladder and hugged her. "I know you wanna get her something special and that she'll love..."

She hugged back and blushed a little. "Y-yeah... I do."

Sonic grinned, but she couldn't see it. "Maybe I could give you a little hint..."

She brightened up. "Can you please?"

Sonic smiled and whispered in her ear, "Just be yourself and don't get scared and back down."

She blushed from his hot breath on her ear and looked at him. "W-what do you mean by that?"

"You'll know real soon."

She nodded and walked to her room. Sonic breathe a sigh of relief. He wanted to give her a hint, but didn't think p he she tell her they knew about her crush on Amy just yet.
He was going to, but decided against it at the last second.

A few hours later, Amy was on her way home. She went to the lake to get some air and got bored so she decided to head on home. She unlocked her front and walked inside putting her stuff by the door and turned on the lights.


She looked at everyone and smiled brightly. "Aww guys you shouldn't have!"

Sonic hugged her and smiled. "Happy birthday, Ames!"

Amy hugged back. "Thanks guys. This means a lot to me, it really does!"

Amelia walked up to her and smiled. "You should open your presents now!" She lead her to the couch and they started handing her presents.

Amy opened her presents and thanked each person that gave them to her. When she finished with all of them she frowned a little not seeing anything from Amelia.

"Where's the present from you, Amelia?" She looked at her in confusion.

Amelia breathed out and looked into her eyes. "Right here."

Amy was even more confused. "Where? I don't see it."

Amelia pulled her close and gently kissed her. Amy went wide eyed for a second, but slowly closed them and kissed back. Amelia smiled and pulled away and looked at her.

"Happy birthday, Ames."

Amy smiled and kissed her cheek. "I love you too, Rose."

"Just for the record we all knew you liked Amy." Sonic said.

Amelia blushed. "R-really?"

Amy giggled. "That's cute!"

Amelia blushed more. "N-nu uh! I ain't cute!"

"Yes you are, Rose!" She poked her cheek.

Amelia sighed, giving in. "Alright I'm cute."

Amy smiled and held her close. Sonic smiled and gestured the others to leave them alone for a bit. They left and the two girls embraced each other and shared a few more kisses before they fell asleep in each other's arms happily.

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