it's giving filler - 12

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(lillie's pov)


Nekoma Halls📍 - Tuesday, 12:06 AM


'alright where is this fool,,"

'he said he'd meet me at the water fountains and yet here i am standing all by my lesbian self''

"psT" i heard a voice whisper.

"what the fuck-"

"is that you lillie?" it said again.

"no dip it's her. who else would've been standing by the water fountain at midnight??" another voice sneered.

"um- if i may interrupt, are you noya?" i asked.

"hey i asked you first," it responded.

"yeah it's lillie. now answer my question."

"yeah it's noya."

"great so stop hiding and show yourself," i said with a bit of annoyance.

in addition of seeing the short friend i had made earlier that day, a bald guy stepped out too ??

"alright who tf is this?" i asked.

"hey pretty lady im tanaka," he introduced while trying to ...honestly idk what he was doing with his face.

"dude- are you constipated or something-" i asked out of genuine curiosity .

"wha- no," he responded with a sad little sigh.

"anyways, you're still on bored with the plan right?" noya spoke up.

"ofc man. sunas been alone his entire life. it's about time he caught feelings smh."

"alright so tomorrow we commence phase 1," he said.

"wait what's phase one-" the bald one asked.

"ugh dude keep up," noya sighed.

"just tell me or i'll snitch."

">:0 you wouldn't- we're best bros, bro. that's going against all the laws of bro code," he gasped.


'do i- do i say anything'

lucky for me, in those short 2 thoughts, the two had already made up and tanner (?) was filled in on everything.

"sorry about that lillie," noya apologized.

"nah your good little dude. anyways the plans in action right?"

"yes ma'am," he said while saluting.

"great. see you tomorrow agent fruit loops."

"good night agent money man."

i think I'm in love with you - S. Rintarou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now