ottobots, roll out✊😔 - 24

539 11 5

(y/n's pov)


Front of Nekoma Highschool📍 - Sunday, 12:00 PM


now that i was standing in front of the bus, saying goodbye to all of my friends, i realized just how excruciatingly painful this week had been💀


- Saturday: reunited with my favorite swaggy bros and pulled some fast ones on kuroo😹

- Sunday: met the entire inarizaki team in the span of an hour🤠

- Monday: became sort-of friends with suna by insulting each other😍

- Tuesday: girl what even happened here😭❓

- Wednesday: snuck out,, yeah we're kind of bad bleeps🤭

- Thursday: the twins' mega epic fight + confession🤢

- Friday: um friday in korean is 금요일💜

- Saturday: free lunch🥶‼️


surprisingly, i wasn't really sad about the week ending.

i think it's because i was too busy worrying about how mine and suna's "relationship" would progress while we were apart.

becaus yknow- we technically aren't even official🧍


"DONT LEAVE Y/NIEE PLEASE I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU," bokuto cried while wiping his tears on akaashi.

"um bokuto i'd appreciate it if you didn't use me as a human tissue," he said while gently trying to remove his owl-like friend.

i took a quick photo of akaashi struggling before laughing and saying, "bo, we literally live like 1 train ride from each other you'll be ok."

he sniffled and told me that we had better meet up every weekend or else he would "stop talking to me".

"um how about once a month," i negotiated.

"every weekend is too much back and forth."

"ok. but you better promise," he pouted.

"i promise," i said as we locked pinkies.

once i said my goodbyes to akaashi, i made my way over to the nekoma team.

before i could even open my mouth to speak, kuroo engulfed me in a very big, very suffocating hug.

he finally let go and said, "y/n, we've only known each other for a year, but it's felt like a life-"

"kuroo what are you talking about?" kenma cut him off.

"dude you totally just interrupted my goodbye speech," he whined.

i made eye contact with kenma for a beat and we both burst out laughing.

well- me laughing, him silent giggling...?

"kuroo stop being an idiot. we'll see each other at games and stuff," i laughed.

he only rolled his eyes and assumed his pregnant mom position as i turned to kenma.

i hugged him just as i did when we had our reunion.

and to my surprise, he hugged back just as hard.

once we pulled apart, we both smiled at each other with an understanding that we'd meet again.

i think I'm in love with you - S. Rintarou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now