Chapter 4: Feelings for Her?

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*Grasers POV*

I felt relieved after I got Dom's number. It gave me some kind of hope even though I didn't even know why I had hope. So I got out my phone and added her to my contacts so that way I had it before I lost the paper.

After science, I walked to lunch confidently. As I walked in I saw my normal group of friends. I plopped my books down on the table and headed to the lunch line only to my surprise I saw my friend Sean.

"Yo Graser, what's goin on dude?" he greeted as we bro hugged.

Grape was my close friend. We've known each other since we were ten or so. Ever since we've been the best of friends online and in real life and I couldn't ask for anyone else.

"Nothing much bro just got out of science," I answered.

Once we got our food we sat down with all the others. Mostly the geeky squad. This consisted of Grape, Kermit, Straub, Will, Liam, Bayani, Tomahawk and I. There was more of us, but since they were dating the popular girls, they sat at the popular table. These few people consisted of Rusher, Parker and Poke.

I looked over to the popular table to see Dom, her friends, and her boyfriend. He was sitting next to her with his arm around her waist. Just looking at them disgusted me. I erased Dom's boyfriend Parker from my mind. All I did was blank out and stare at Dom.

"Graser!" Will shouted at me while waving his hand in front of my face like I had done to Dom earlier before.

I returned to life, "Yeah?"

Everyone was looking at me suspiciously. I had a feeling that they thought that something was up.

"Why the hell do you keep staring at that girl across the lunch room?" Liam asked suspiciously.

"Are you staring at that." Kermit wondered.

"Perv!" Parker yelled.

"Oh my god you guys I'm not looking there!" I exclaimed trying to convince them that I wasn't looking in the inappropriate spots. "Well it's just that, I don't know."

"Graser has a crush!" Straub said in a baby voice.

"No." I stated. I had no feelings whatsoever for this girl that I just had heard about today.

The rest of lunch consisted of me being falsely accused and being asked thousands of questions. It was really annoying.

Just as I was walking out of lunch a hand grabbed me from behind. It was Nicole. Nicole was the only 'popular' girl I knew. She was considered popular, but she did talk to people other than the populars. That's how I actually knew her.

"Tell me all about it," she huffed in a tired tone.

"She told you didn't she." I laughed.

So I told Nicole about what had happened after we got paired up, she smiled.

Cliff hanger ooo! I hope you guys enjoyed <3 also side note I changed the character Joey to Parker because Joey just didn't fit in that well. anyways this is a cube fanfic so ya! ;)

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