Chapter 3: The Details

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*Doms POV*

As Graser was talking I walked away with Parker without even noticing that Parker was there or that Graser was talking to me. I held hands with Parker as we walked down the hall to our next class.

Parker and I have been friends since as long as I could remember. We grew up together playing board games, making little videos without sound, and ever since our friendship grew closer. That's when Parker asked me out about 3 months ago, we've been dating ever since and I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

We both walked into science. Everyone stared at us. Everyone wanted to be us. According to the 10th grade the cutest couples from first to third was Nicole and Zack, Parker and I, and last but not least Emily and Rusher. Us six people were some of the most stared at people for our looks and our relationship statuses.

When we sat down I saw a familiar face walk in, it was Graser. I smiled at him as he walked in. We didn't make eye contact. He walked straight down the aisle and took his seat next to this random girl. He looked at me for a split second then looked away. I didn't know what was up with that guy.

Parker turned to me, "Who's that, and why were you looking at him?"

"He's just this guy that I met in history, we got paired up for a project so." I whispered.

Graser meant nothing to me. He was just simply my history partner and there was nothing to worry about.

I resumed to my work. Before I knew it, the lunch bell rang and everyone rushed out the door. Everyone except for Graser and I. We sat there, still finishing those last few sentences of our questions to hand in so that way we could get a perfect grade.

As I got up Graser and I finally made eye contact, and it felt good.

"Funny seeing you still here," Graser commented. "I would've thought you you'd left by now."

"Nope, gotta get those good grades in," I smiled.

It was nice to finally have a real conversation with him instead of just talking about the stupid project.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over my house this Saturday at 1:00 to work on the project?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied.

I quickly ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote my number down. I handed the bent paper with the messy handwriting over.

He accepted the paper,"Thanks, I'll text you after school or something."

"Ok." and I walked away.

That was the last I saw of him all day. But I was fine with it, we ended off at a good note. Anyways, I was excited for the coming days ahead.

I hope you guys enjoyed this somewhat longer chapter. ((well longer then the last one at least XD)) moving on, I wrote this in advance so I'm proud of myself cause know I can get started on the fourth chapter so ya ily all and bye 😘

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