Chapter 4

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Puppies :)

Welcome to the group chat Jake😊


Awww, thank you, Hoon 🥰

This is way too romantic for me😂

Same hyung hahaha

You just don't appreciate friends :')

Sunoo-ya what are you talking about???

I still have you for that ;-;



What is this all about Hee hyung???



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Jungwon laughed at how chaotic the group chat has gotten, while he walked to school.

Jungwon wasn't much of a texter, but after what happened with Jay he preferred it way more than talking.

He did seem off to his friends, but he had already told them what that was all about and they do not question him anymore about it.

For an unknown reason he is getting along with Jake lately and Jay is getting along with Jake as well but for some odd reason, he felt jealous. He didn't know if it was because Jake was hanging out with Jay or because Jay was hanging out with Jake.

To him at least it was the same. After a few days, he realized how awesome Jay is, how funny he can be he might've had feelings for him but he didn't realize it until now...

But, there was a problem.


It's not that Jake was a bad influence or anything since he did get along with him a lot, but he did realize that Jay probably likes him or will start liking him. Jungwon did like Jake as well, but how was that possible? He can't like two people at the same time, right?

That would be impossible.

He still can't accept, that he might be bisexual. It's all new to him. He is so confused over that, that he didn't even listen to Sunoo or anything he had said.

He knew that he had to stop liking one of them or maybe the two of them at the same time. Why? Because he felt like it was wrong for him to like someone he rejected and Jake who didn't have anything to do with it and who can make Jay happy.

That's why Jungwon gave up. He was that type of a person anyway. He knew that he would feel pain for quite a while, but he wanted to make the two of them happy.

Maybe, one day I'll find a way to be happy.

He thought to himself as he was outside staring at the flowers Sunoo had in his vase on the table in front of them.

Flowers [Jaykewon]Where stories live. Discover now