Chapter 14

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"Hyung what are you doing here?" Jungwon asked a bit puzzled as he decided to let the latter inside. "I just wanted to see you that's all..." Jake smiled at him which did for sure make Jungwon smile at him back.

"Is by any chance Jay-ah here?" Jake asked as Jungwon let him in his house. "Uh, yeah..." Jungwon awkwardly laughed as he closed the door behind him.

"We wanted to chill today that's all..." Jungwon said as he glanced down. "Oh..." Jake let out as he glanced at Jungwon. "I can go-" Jake was interrupted by Jungwon. "No, need hyung we can hang out together like we always do." Jungwon chuckled at him.

They are dating, I can feel it.

Maybe, it's just my pessimistic side  showing up...

"Hyung, you okay?" Jungwon glanced at him slightly concerned for the older. "Yeah, I'll be right behind you..." Jake smiled at him forcibly. "Okay, follow me," Jungwon said and Jake did as the younger told him to.

I am too late.

I can't replace the place that I wasn't given.

I should be happy for them, but I feel jealous.



"Oh, hey Jake." Jay smiled at him as he noticed Jake and Jungwon entering Jungwon's bedroom.

"Oh, hey Jay-ah I just wanted to, uh-" Jake glanced down as he bit his lip. "I wanted to just greet you two before leaving," Jake said as he lifted his head to glance at Jay who was already glancing back at him.

"Why don't you stay?" Jay suggested. Jake widened his eyes at that. "Uh-" Jake gulped as he glanced at Jungwon who smiled at him. "Yeah, we can hang out." Jungwon settled his arm around Jake's shoulder as he waited for Jake's response.

"Okay..." Jake laughed. "But, if you want some alone time, just tell me." Jake shrugged as Jungwon moved his arm that was on Jake's shoulder. "Hyung, we love your company, of course, that we won't let you go that easily." Jungwon grinned at him as Jake smiled at him. "Aww, cutie." Jake cooed as he turned slightly to him to ruffle his hair.

"And again, I am left out." Jay pouted. "That's not true, Jay-ah." Jake frowned. "I am a third wheel friend of yours, you can have all of the attention from your Wonnie after all," Jake added as he stopped ruffling Jungwon's hair which made the younger pout in response.

"What...?" Jay glanced at him with his eyes wide open. "Aren't you two dating?" Jake asked slightly confused, but he got even more confused when he heard Jungwon and Jay laugh in sync.

What is so funny...?

"Why are you two laughing?" Jake questioned. "Uh, hyung we are not dating yet." Jungwon shrugged. "Yeah, we decided that first will make a certain someone fall in love with us as well," Jay added as Jake walked up to him and kneeled since Jay was sitting on the bed the whole time.

"You're dumb." Jake sighed as he ruffled Jay's hair. "Huh?" Jay glanced at him confused. "Why do you want that third person so badly?" Jake glanced at him slightly concerned for Jungwon's and Jay's relationship.

I do like them, but it could be bad for their relationship...

What if that third person or whoever would it be would not get that much attention...?

"Because, he means a lot to us, he means a lot to me." Jay smiled at him as he grabbed Jake's hands. "That person is you, Jake," Jay said as Jake widened his eyes at that.

"What...?" Jake blinked rapidly as Jungwon walked up to him. "Yeah, hyung it's you." Jungwon smiled at him. "That was supposed to be a secret since Jay hyung-ie promised me that we could play James Bond together, but I guess that he would be a bad spy." Jungwon frowned at him as Jay laughed at him. "Like you wouldn't do the same," Jay said as Jungwon bit his lip at that.

"Jake, you alive?" Jay glanced at Jake who was still zoned out, that was until he came back to reality. "Uh, well I am fine..." Jake said. "How the frick do you two like me?" Jake asked. "I ain't even that special-" Jay frowned at him as he grabbed his chin gently so that Jake can look at him.

"Jaeyun-ah, who could not?" Jay said as his frown turned into a smile. "The question is-" Jay glanced down as he continued. "Do you like us?" Jay asked.

"I do." Jake smiled at him. "But, how would that even work out...?" Jake sighed. "We'll work it out," Jay said as he lifted his head to smile back at him while Jungwon pouted at them, and of course that Jay noticed it. "Come here." Jay smiled at him as Jungwon sat next to Jay.

For the rest of the day, they talked about their unresolved problem, which might be attention seeking.

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