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The ride to my destination seemed to take forever. It was long, especially if you count all the restrooms and lunch stops I took.

My eyes were growing tired, but quickly widen when I saw those three words I haven't seen in such a long time. The three words I swore up and down I would never see again. I let out a small sigh as I drove closer and closer to it.


My sigh seemed to get louder the closer I got, but stopped when I passed by it. Hundreds of thoughts ran to my mind, wondering if doing this was the right thing. I've had this damn promise for almost three years, and although I'm only coming back for college, I am still disappointed in myself for breaking it. I mean, it's not too late just yet, I still have a week or maybe even a little over a week before my college even starts, but either way I'll be doing something fucked up. If I stay, I'll be breaking a promise I made to myself, if I leave, I'll be disappointing myself.

What if he's not even there? And I leave for nothing. I felt shivers go down my back at the thought of him. What if I see him again? I can't stand to even think of seeing his fucking face again. He knew he was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first everything and he had the nerve to cheat? I understand I probably wasn't good enough, I couldn't even fucking hear for God's sake.

I gripped tighter onto the steering wheel out of anger. I fucking knew I shouldn't have even tried for a college in Doncaster, I knew he would ruin my mood completely, and I haven't even seen him yet, and hopefully I don't.

"I love you." Louis signed to me, causing the biggest smile to appear on my face that I've never had before.

I took a few seconds to reply due to the overwhelming feeling I had. "I love you too." I said aloud before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips.

A car suddenly came towards me, their headlights awaking and almost blinding me and dismissing my thoughts. I slammed my breaks in response, and they passed by me with their horn blaring loudly. I took a deep breath and cursed under my breath and ran my fingers through my curls.

"God dammit, Louis." I said under my breath as I punched my steering wheel.

I wish I would have took my mums offer and had her come down here with me.


Just to start us off! 

 Chapter two will come maybe Thursday if I can get 20+ votes or 10+ comments :)  

Updates will more than likely come slow(?), hopefully not over two weeks but no promises. If you would like something to keep you busy during the wait of updates, read my other book Love at First Light which is also a Larry book :)

Reminder: Harry can now hear

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