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SO sorry on the late chapter, and I know it's Christmas Eve/Louis' Birthday and not many people will read this today, but I haven't updated in ages so lol.

LOUIS. (Excuse errors I didn't reread)

"Hello?" I yelled over the familiar bathroom door, moving my hands to the doorknob and shaking it a little, "Liam, are you in there?"

"No." A strong, drunken voice yelled back at me, echoing a bit making it known that it was from the bathroom, "Check the couch."

I was taken back a bit at the rudeness the voice held. I shook the feeling off as I walked on to the couch, knowing I was at a party and that the boy--judging from the voice, was probably trying to get 'lucky' and I was just interrupting.

Liam's house is small, but the walk to his couch seemed to never end with all these people, having to shove my way through and all. When I finally reached him, with his back turned away, I let out a heavy sigh as I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Some small gathering party this is, huh?"

"I swear it wasn't my id-, Louis?" Liam said as he turned to face me, I smiled, expecting a smile in return but I wasn't given one.


"What the- what are you doing here?!" He exclaimed quickly as he threw his hands in the air dramatically.

"You invited me." I said with a confused tone as I stared at him weirdly.

"Tomlinson!" Niall exclaimed drunkenly as he raised his arm that held his beer, causing it to spill onto his shirt, but he seemed non-bothered by it. He planted himself on the couch, near a cooler.

"Horan!" I exclaimed back, throwing my fists in the air to bring excitement.

"You cannot be here!" Liam said, throwing himself back into the conversation.

"You invited me!" I repeated before Niall grabbed a hold of my hand, pulling me down next to him.

Liam ran his fingers aggressively through his hair, "Where's Zayn?"

"He had to stop somewhere's, gas station or something. So I suggested taking separate cars." I said boringly, not really interested in talking about him.

"Do ya want a beer?" Niall slurred, and before I could respond, he reached over and grabbed one, and tossed the wet, cold thing into my lap.

"Bloody hell Niall, that's fucking cold!" I hissed. I looked up at where Liam was standing, but he was not there anymore. I scanned my eyes over the room quickly, only to see himself fighting through the crowd. I sighed heavily, not wanting to get up, so I began to ignore the feeling of having wet, cold skinny jeans.

"Ye' remember Harvey?" Niall asked as I opened my beer.

I thought for a moment, "No." I said before bringing the beer to my lips.

"How not? You dated!"

I thought for a moment, but before I could even answer, Niall grabbed a hold of my shoulder and began to shake it aggressively and pointed with the other hand, spilling his beer onto my pants..again. "There! There he is! Harvey!"

My eyes shot over to where his fingers were pointing, only to see Liam following behind someone--- someone who had long, curly hair. I squinted my eyebrows, following them with my eyes, until I could no longer follow them anymore. I handed my beer over to Niall, and he looked at me weirdly and shot multiple questions that I just ignored, as I followed the path I seen the two go.


"Harry, please." Liam said as he reached out for my shoulder, successfully grabbing a hold of me.

I turned around quickly, shoving his hand away. "Please fucking what? What-why would you invite us both to the same party?!"

"I-I don't know! I thought he wasn't even coming anymore!" I stayed quiet. "It's been two fucking years, Harry! Get over it!"

"Oh, bull-fucking-shit, the first thing your shitty boyfriend asked me was about him!" I yelled at him.

"Don't you dare bring Niall into this." Liam said strictly as he raised his hand directly in front of my face.

Me and Liam stared at each other, him still holding his hand in front of me. I don't want to fight him, that would be wasting my time, and the thought of being at the same house as Louis was already itching the underneath of my skin and I knew I had to leave as soon as possible before I end up ripping my skin into pieces. We still held the stare, until a small, fragile voice broke it.

"Harry?" It said, the voice almost cracking.

I was afraid to look. I know I shouldn't have, but I did. I slowly did. I turned my attention over, turning my head ever so slightly, knowing exactly what I would see.

And I seen him, standing in front of the door. Wearing tight jeans, with a grey hoodie, looking small and fragile--the same as when I left him, his tattoos peaking out through the baggy hoodie---one of my favorite things about him, he acted so bad ass when in all honesty he was as fragile as a flower. But he looked different somehow---he looked so fucking tired.

He stared at me, his lips moving as he approached me, and I couldn't fucking hear him. I couldn't fucking hear anything, I felt so fucking dumb. Everything was so god damn silent, besides that god damn ringing in my ear, Liam was right fucking next to me, and I forgot until he touched my shoulder and slightly shook me--and even him being so close, I still couldn't hear. Every step Louis took to get closer to me just caused the sound to get louder. I backed up, until I almost fell over the concrete sidewalk which awoke me and made me realize I need to get the fuck out of there.

And I did. I ran to my car, I drove off, and I left.

Like a fucking coward would.



I stared at his car as it stormed off into distant, I was speechless. Completely.

"Was-did---was that Harry?" I managed to spit out. I didn't know what to feel besides confusion. When his car was out of sight, I looked over at Liam.

He sighed heavily, "Yeah. God, I'm so sorry Louis--I should have never even invited him."

"Invited who?" A voice came from behind and wrapped their arms around my waist, pulling me closer as they placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I didn't hear you come." I said as I looked up at him. He gave me a smile, and I gave him a sly one back, completely forced.

"Who do you wish you didn't invite?" Zayn said as his eyes shot over at Liam, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Harvey." I quickly said. I gave Liam a look, pleading for him to agree.

Zayn's eyes went back to me, "Harvey who?"

"Harvey Jones." Liam spoke up. "Awful guy, doesn't know when to stop drinking."

"Mm," Zayn said and we all fell in silent. "Well how about we all go inside to Liam's small gathering, huh?"

"Oh my God, don't jump me about it--jump Niall." Liam said, guiding us all to the front door and into the loud house. The rest of the night went by so slowly, and I didn't even get drunk, but god damn was my head hurting all day and night from thinking.

This was kind of crappy. Sorry. I literally wrote this within two hours. Maybe the next one will be better. Merry Christmas or whatever you guys celebrate! :) -Macy <3 xox

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