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I closed my eyes for a split second, trying to gather my memory together to see if I could think of a Liam or a Niall while I lived here for those very short, few months.

"Liam... Liam fucking Payne!" I said out loud, causing the people in the coffee shop to turn towards me.

That's the mother fucker who sent me the picture of Louis and Zayn.

Those three fuckers are the ones who all helped ruin my fucking life.

That's why he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. That fucker.

I stood up quickly, throwing a few dollars onto where my plate once laid before storming out of the coffee shop, causing the annoying little creek sound of the door and bell to go off. I turned my head left and right, searching the non-busy streets of Doncaster for him-- only to see one car speeding off into distance.


"God dammit." I muttered under my breath as I crumbled the paper---napkin, I held in my hand, which also held all the information I needed. Liam's car continued to speed off into the distance, and I continued to stand there looking dumbfounded. I shoved the napkin into my pocket.

I shouldn't be this heated, I mean it's been two years since that happened, but the thing is---he knows. He did this. He started this whole fucking thing. Should I even be upset over that? Over the fact he told me my boyfriend was fucking around with Zayn? I would have went my whole life without knowing jack shit. I shouldn't even be upset with Liam, all he did was tell me I was dating a cheating, lying asshole. But for some strange reason, I wish I would have never known. I wish he would have never sent that fucking message. It sounds dumb that I would say this or even think about this, but Louis made me happy those few months, and I wasn't use to being that happy. I just wanted it to last a little bit longer.

I bit my lip and held back the tears I felt coming. I wish a lot of things would or wouldn't have happened, and one of those "wishes" is that I wished I never even fucking applied to a college here in Doncaster. I wish I never would have fucking got in the car and drove down here. I wish I would have never said "yes" to Louis when he asked me out, because that's what put this fear of Doncaster in me.

I put my anger aside and pulled out the crumbled napkin, along with my cell phone. I unfolded it before typing the number into my phone, and then pressed call. After a few rings, the person on the other line answered. I had a few things to say to him.

"Hello?" They said. I could hear cars driving around them.

"Liam? Yes, this is Harry." I said quietly as I looked around me.

"Harry?" Liam said in surprise. "I'm surprised you called."

"Believe me, I'm surprised I called, too." I said in a muttered tone.

"I take this as you're-" Liam said, but I couldn't quite hear what else he was saying.

I paused for a second, "What?"

"I said.." And then Liam repeated exactly what he had said-- but I just couldn't make out what he was saying. I was too embarrassed to ask again. Although having my hearing back, I don't have it completely back like a normal person.

"Okay?" I said, agreeing with him instead of asking him to repeat again.

"Great. Everyone will be glad to see that Harry is back in town!" Liam exclaimed.

I paused once again for a moment or two, trying to gather everything I did hear. The party.

"Wait, no-"

"I have to go Harry, it's not safe to be driving and talking on the phone at the same time." Liam said, cutting me off. Before I could protest, he hung up.

"Shit." I muttered to myself.

I don't remember much things about this town or the people, but one thing I can recall very well was that Liam does not know how to keep his mouth shut. By the time it hits midnight, "Harry Comes Back to Town" will be all over the newspapers and television knowing him.

I guess those "few things" I have to say to Liam, I can say to him at the party. In person.


"You talk all the time on the phone when you're driving." Niall said once I shoved my phone into my pocket.

I didn't reply, I just shrugged what he said off.

"Are you still not going to talk to me?" Niall said. I, again, did not reply. He sighed aloud. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was suppose to bring up and what I wasn't suppose to bring up. Maybe you should start writing it down for me!"

"He could have killed me!" I exclaimed.

Niall sighed, "You're just too over dramatic. We were at a coffee shop, and I asked a freaking question, that was it. You got to admit, someone was going to ask that question sooner or later. Isn't it weird that he just randomly shows back up to a town after leaving it two years ago? There has to be a reason."

"You don't just suggest things like that. He had practically a break down over what happened."

"Well, he obviously isn't that mad over it since he's going to your party." Niall simply said.

"I don't think he really wants to," I shrugged, "I kind of just suggested he was going and then hung up before he could say otherwise."

"Isn't Louis going?" Niall asked as he rose an eyebrow.

"Maybe..." I trailed off.

"Well this time you're the one getting an ass beating from Harry. For sure. Nice job on inviting Harry to the party!" Niall said sarcastically.

"Shut up, a lot of people are going, they won't bump into each other." I said as I slowed down and stopped at the stop light.

Niall stayed quiet for a moment, "Should we tell Zayn that Harry is back?"

"Hell no!" I exclaimed quickly. "If he finds out.." I began to say, but stopped because Niall knew exactly where I was going with this.

"What about Louis?" Niall asked.

"What about Louis?" I repeated him. "Neither of them will know, okay?"

"Why?" Niall asked.

I paused for a moment, "Just bless Louis' soul if Zayn finds out Harry is back and coming to the party," I pressed the gas pedal once the red light turned green, "And bless Harry's soul if he finds out Louis and Zayn are dating."


Finally!! An update :)

And no, Niall and Liam does not remember about Harry not being able to hear two years ago

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