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I'm crazy.

Tonight has confirmed this theory to be one hundred and one percent true as I park my car in front of Mr. Liam Payne's house. I get out of my car, double check to make sure it is locked, and then begin my walk to his door. I'm not too crazy--if I am, I'm not the only one who is crazy. Every damn person in this house is crazy. Over ten cars are parked with mine, too many to count, actually, and I've been gone two years.. How the hell is he so popular? Minus Niall, two years ago, I was his only friend.

When I come face to face to his door, I had the urge to just turn around and go straight to my car, driving all the way back to my home town without looking back. My mum-- Jesus Christ, she would be so disappointed in me right now. I'm putting myself in this mess. Again. Repeating what happened last time, except in a different style.  I shouldn't even be here, at the own man who participated in ruining whatever the hell I had with L. I can't even bare to think of the rest of his name.

I could hear the music blaring through the door and already could smell the alcohol--unless I'm just smelling myself. What kind of get together is this? I raise my hand to knock, but quickly put it down and open the door instead.

My eyes scan the room, and at least over fifty people were here. It was crowded as hell, and I took one step into the house and I was already against someone. I pushed my way through the crowd, trying to find Liam or Niall or someone I fucking remember, and I spent at least ten minutes doing so before finally giving up and heading to the kitchen, only because I'm hungry as hell and it's the only non crowded place.

I poured myself a non alcholic drink when someone else entered the room. It was a girl who looked rather young, maybe eighteen or nineteen, twenty at the most I would guess. I tried not to take notice in her appearance, hoping she wouldn't talk to me.

"Hi." She slurred as she greeted me.

"Hey." I said, silently cursing myself. I hate talking to strangers in public places, always having a fear I'll mess up in my speech, or anything along the lines of that.

"Nice party, huh?" She said as she reached over and grabbed a bag of chips and opened them, I nodded in reply. "God, you look awfully familiar."

"No, no. Don't think we've met. I'm new to town." I said. I may have been lying, but not completely. I don't know who the hell she is, after all.

"You're.." She thought for a moment,  "Harry right? Harry the deaf kid Styles?" She said with a loud laugh. "Oh my God, I had science with you! You and the Tommo went out together!" She exclaimed loudly, but then changed her tone to quiet, "And then one day you just stopped coming."

"You remember that?" I ask, ignoring her rude comment about me. I was just shocked that someone could remember that.

"Well, damn, yeah. Your breakup was the talk of the town. Went around that you just left without telling a word. Changed your number and all. Dick move, man." She shoved more chips in her mouth, "What the hell happened to you not hearin'?"

"Got it back." I said simply, not wanting to go into details with a stranger about my personal life.

The girl began to ramble on about shit I don't even know or care about, I zoned out of the conversation and would just shake my head at least twice every minute. I even began to silently pray to God to please, shut her the hell up.

"Excuse me, Ashley, but I'm going to have to take Harry for the time being." Liam said, answering my prayers.

"Take 'em, he's yours." Ashley said with a mouthful of chips, "Nice party, Payne!"

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