∩ Chapter 01 ∩

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As the day got closer to finishing, class 1-A sat in their classroom waiting for their homeroom teacher. "Didn't Mr Aizawa tell us that he needed to tell us something later today?" Mina Ashido, a pink-coloured alien girl, asked. The others nodded, confirming. "Can't wait to see what the surprise is!"

"What do you think it'll be Deku?" Ochako Uraraka, a brunette with pink cheeks, asked her friend, a greenette boy with freckles in the shape of a diamond. Said boy shrugged, glancing down at his notebook before looking up as the door opened and their homeroom teacher entered.

"Alright, settle down," he called over the 21 heads of his students. "If you remember correctly, I told you this morning and yesterday that we were getting something finalised and then I would tell you what we're doing. Well, it has come to the attention of many staff members of UA that one of you has been acting very different since the Shie Hassaikai raid and the eventual rescue of Eri. To help us figure out what has caused this change in behaviour, Nezu has arranged for a psychologist to come and do an analysis. Her quirk is extremely useful for this as it shows not only the user, but the inhabitants in the room the person's most traumatic memories. This will be able to help us give this person, whoever they are, the help they need."

Izuku Midoriya froze. They had to see their most traumatic memories? He had only just gotten over his! He was going to relapse, again. Just his luck for not telling anyone, huh? Taking a deep breathe, he raised his hand, Shouta pointing at him to speak. "Is everyone being evaluated or just this person?"

"Good question," nodded the ravenette. "This will be done to everyone and none of you are exempt. This is to help you, not to hurt you. She'll explain more when she arrives, but she'll be here tomorrow. We're doing it on the Friday evening so you guys can relax on the weekend to get over revisiting your most traumatic experiences."

The class nodded, most feeling anxious. They didn't like the idea of revisiting those traumatic memories, especially not at the hands of a stranger. After Shouta explained a few more things that were going to happen tomorrow they headed to the dorms. While the others began discussing how... odd it was for their homeroom teacher to seem so... considerate considering who he is and his reputation, Izuku just couldn't relax like the others.

They're going to find out, he panicked as he headed upstairs to his room. They're going to find out and they're going to abandon me just like he did! All Might's going to want his quirk back, Kacchan is going to hate me even more. Worse than that, they're all going to take pity on me.

"Hey, Midoriya?" Tenya – a blue haired boy that could be rather strict at times – asked, knocking on the door frame of the greenette's door. "Is everything alright? You seemed panicked."

"I'm fine," he smiled, though it was fake. Hopefully he won't notice. Tenya hesitated, glancing towards where everyone was eating.

"Well, if you feel up to joining us, I'll set aside a dish for you." Tenya told him before dipping his head and heading back down. Once he was gone, Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. How on earth was he going to sleep tonight? Or over the course of the next month after this? He'd just have to figure that out. Maybe...

Deciding it best to not go down for dinner since he was most likely just going to throw it up later, the boy shut his door and went to take a shower in an attempt to calm his nerves. It didn't help. In fact, it only made his panic that much worse as memories of what he did to him resurfaced.

No! Izuku growled, clutching his hair as he backed away from the water pouring from the spout of the shower. You're not there anymore. He's not with you anymore. Snap. Out. Of. It! Alas, no matter how many times he attempted to snap out of his trancelike state, he would always somehow get sucked back into it. Is this what it's going to be like tomorrow? He pondered.

After ten minutes of struggling, he finally broke free with a sigh of relief. Turning off the shower and stepping out, the greenette grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist before heading into his room. Once in the comfort of the heavily decorated room he changed into a set of plain pyjamas – a simple yellow t-shirt with the words 'Plus Ultra' written across it in red and a pair of long blue pyjama bottoms. Once dressed he climbed into bed and attempted to sleep, unfortunately to no avail.

In the dining room area, the group of students sat, waiting for Tenya to return. To make sure his students were alright, Shouta had decided to have dinner with them that night. Sometimes the staff would have dinner with their students to make sure they were alright and no one as struggling with anything. It came as a shock to everyone when Tenya came down and told everyone that Izuku would not be joining them tonight. That's unlike him, thought the hobo-looking hero as he glanced at the elevator before glancing towards the stairs in hopes of seeing the greenette pop down for a minute. Very unlike him. For a moment, he forgot the greenette was one of the main people they were suspecting as going through something that had drastically changed his behaviour.

"Sensei?" Mashirao asked as he settled into his seat. Shouta hummed, turning to look at the boy with the tail. "Tomorrow, with the woman, is... is it possible to choose which memories everyone sees?"

Shouta sighed, shaking his head. Seems like they're all really worked up about this. Then again, I guess that's to be expected after everything they've all gone through. They don't want to trigger not only themselves but their classmates as well. "Unfortunately not. Kai's quirk, the woman who's coming in tomorrow, doesn't allow you to choose. Her quirk does that for you. I understand you're all nervous for this, but right now it's the best way to figure out who's suffering at the moment. Not only that, but it's also useful for both the staff and the students – you guys – to help each other. It's one thing hearing about each other's trauma, it's another seeing it."

"Will it be done to the teachers as well?" Minoru asked. "Or is it just students?"

Shouta paused. Did Nezu say anything about doing to the staff at all? "I'm... not sure. Nezu didn't mention anything about it, but I'll ask him tomorrow. He'll be present, as will Present Mic and All Might so you don't need to worry about safety."

"Eri won't be present, will she? I know her and Deku-kun agreed to spend the day together tomorrow since we don't have any classes." Ochako mentioned.

"Unfortunately, if Midoriya promised, then she will be," Shouta sighed, running a hand through his hair. "She'll stay with Midoriya until it's his turn." The others nodded as they ate the rest of their meals in silence. Tomorrow was going to be hell.

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