∩ Chapter 08 ∩

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"Last person I wish to help is Izuku Midoriya." Kai spoke, eyes landing on Izuku as she smirked. This isn't help, this is fucking torture.

Izuku gulped, hands shaking as he turned to Eri, crouching down to her level as she looked up at him with those beautiful, big crimson eyes. "Eri, I want you to listen carefully, okay?" Eri nodded, smiling. "What you're going to see isn't going to be pretty, alright? If at any point you want out of this, go to Kacchan or Sho."

"Why can't I come to you?" Eri asked, her silver hair falling in front of her face.

"I'm most likely going to be unresponsive," Izuku explained, placing a hand on the top of her head, smiling softly, "and I don't want you to get hurt. When I'm in there, my quirk may activate on its own and lash out. I don't want you to get hurt because of me, okay? Promise me, Eri, you won't come near me while I'm under."

Eri was silent for a moment before she nodded, "I promise."

Sending the girl a reassuring smile, Izuku stood and began to walk to the front of the room where Kai was waiting for him. "Just so you know, I don't fucking trust you one bit." Kai just rolled her eyes, shoving him down into the seat. It took everything Izuku had in him to not snap as he was reminded of the punishments.

Glancing to his left, he made eye contact with the girl he considered his baby sister and couldn't help the guilt that rose up, knowing that she was going to relapse just like he was. 'I'm sorry' he mouthed to her just as Kai's hand connected to his forehead, his world fading to black only for the screams of terror to begin.

Blinking his eyes open, the teen was confused when all he saw was a dark hallway. That's when the lights flickered on and he was there, crouching down with a sickening smile. "Hello, Izuku," he greeted, voice as sickly sweet as it was the last time he had spoken to the man. "Your mother called me, said there was something wrong. I can help you, but you need to let me help you." The man held out his hand and for a moment, Izuku was back in his three-year-old body again. "Will you let me help you, Izuku?"

Izuku began to panic, starting to think like his three-year-old self. Was this what the others experienced? Looking over his shoulder as he bit his lip, his eyes searched the darkness for any sign of his classmates, his family, but he found nothing. All he could see behind him was darkness. Turning back to the man, he nodded and took the outstretched hand, letting the man lead him down the hallway and to a car parked on the side of the road.

The moment he as strapped into the car seat, he blacked out only to wake up again in the chair, strapped into it. Mind rushing, adrenaline pumping through his veins, he began to thrash. "Let me out!" He screamed, beginning to pant as his panic worsened. "Mama! Mama, help me! Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go!"

"Easy there, Izuku," the man from before whispered softly, hand going to his forehead, calming him in an instant. "You're safe with me, little one, I promise you. But you have a terrible, terrible sickness that we're trying to get rid of for you. After, you may return to your darling mother and the life you once had. Until I deem you cured, you are under the care of myself and my team. I promise Izuku, it'll be over by years end."

"Who are you?" Izuku asked, having calmed down a lot. The man just smiled, stroking his hair as a name popped into his mind. Papa. "Am I safe, Papa?"

"Of course you're safe, Zuku," Papa whispered as he stood. "Now my team are going to run a few tests to determine how best to treat your sickness, okay? If you're well behaved, I'll let you have more free time this evening." Nodding, the young greenette watched Papa leave, his team coming closer and beginning to run their tests. That's when he blacked out again.

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