∩ Chapter 02 ∩

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The next morning many of them struggled to get out of bed, more than they usually would. Alarms were going off left right and centre, trying to wake the students of Class 1-A up for the torture, err, "helpful therapy session" that was scheduled for them today. Yeah, none of them would categorise this as "helpful" since they all felt like they were going to trigger not only themselves, but possibly their classmates as well. All just to figure out who was struggling after the Shie Hassaikai raid.

Meeting up in the living room area on the bottom floor, most of them seemed slightly out of it, none more so than Izuku "Deku" Midoriya who clearly had not slept the night before. "You alright, Midobro?" Eijiro asked as he sat beside the greenette who ignored him. Either that, or he just didn't hear the redhead. "It'll be alright." If Izuku had been aware, he would have laughed at the idea of Eijiro saying that as it seemed he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince the boy beside him on the sofa. Soon enough, Shouta had come in to take his students to the classroom. He, too, was nervous, especially after seeing his students faces. This is not going to end well.

They soon arrived at the classroom, Nezu, Hizashi, Toshinori, and Kai already being there. Shouta took his place next to Hizashi, watching as his students all sat down, glancing nervously at each other. Eri was in the blonde's arms and immediately jumped out when she saw Izuku, running over to him and hugging his leg. It seemed to snap him out of whatever state he was in as he immediately picked her up, sitting her on his lap as he began to shake slightly.

"They won't ever forgive us for this," Shouta whispered to his husband, Hizashi nodding in agreement as Nezu stepped forward.

"Good evening, 1-A," the chimera greeted with a smile. "This is Kai, she'll be helping us by looking at your memories to see who's suffering the most and how we can help not only them but all of you as well. I'm sure Eraser's already told you this, but we are doing this to help you, not to hurt you. Kai, the floor is yours."

"Thank you, Nezu," Kai thanked with a bow of her head as she stepped forward.

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