Wedding Day: Part 2

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A/N: I'm really sorry the chapters are really short but I'm trying to drag out the book.


"Do you Daniel Grayson take Ms. Emily Thorne, as your wife."

"I do."he stares into Emily's eyes and they both smile.

"Do you Emily Thorne take Mr. Daniel Grayson as your husband."

"I...I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." It was too late they were already kissing, and they didn't pull away for a while. When they finished that passionate kiss they strode down the aisle smiling and laughing."


As soon as everyone saw Emily in Daniel's arms, coming out of the church, they pelted them with rice.

They continued to throw the rice until they got in the car to go to the Grayson Manor, where the party was being held.

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