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A/N: Can't believe what happened in the new episode last night, I won't spoil it though for you people who haven't seen it yet.


"Bye Bora Bora."

"Aww Ems we can come back soon."

"You promise?"

"I promise."


"Ahh home sweet home." Emily said as they pulled into the driveway. As soon as Daniel was getting the luggage his phone began to ring.

"Who is it?"

"It's my mother."

"Answer it."


"Daniel I hate to ruin your first daym home but Charlotte is in a coma, she overdosed again."


"What is it?" Emily asked concerned.

"It's Charlotte, she overdosed again and is in a coma."

"Oh my god." Emily sighed her half sister is in a coma. Ugh


"Yeah mom."

"If you wouldn't mind I'd like you to come to the hospital."

"Of course, we are on our way." He hangs up the phone and gives Emily a serious glare. "I should have known!"

"Daniel this isn't your fault calm down."

"It's just that we saw her with the pills last week and we didn't tell anyone. I feel so stupid."

"It's okay Daniel this really isn't your fault."

"You're right."

"Come on let's go."



"Daniel I'm glad you're here. Hello Emily."

"Hello Victoria."

"How is she?"Daniel nearly shouts.

"She's okay but the doctor said she may be in a coma for a few weeks."

"A few WEEKS! Oh no." He turns to Emily and Emily hugs him really tight.

"It's okay Daniel we'll get through this."


After a few hours at the hospital Emily is really tired and wants to go home, Daniel does too. He says goodbye to his mother and kisses Charlotte's forehead.

"Alright we can go now."


A/N: sorry that chapter was really short. Anywhale, why do you think Charlotte overdosed, comment what you think.

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