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"You're pregnant? That's amazing!" Daniel then picks me up and spins me around. "This is the best birthday present I've ever gotten."

I'm a little shocked I wasn't expecting that reaction. "So you're not angry?"

"Why would I be angry Em? I love you so much, and now this makes me love you even more." He kisses my forehead. "When did you find out?"

"Um...two days ago." Damn I fell bad for lying. Truth is one day I do want to start a family with Daniel...but today is definitely not the day. Right now this is all part of my plan on distancing Daniel away from his mother.

"And you didn't tell me?" He says with a little hurt in his eyes.

"I told you it was a birthday suprise." This is going to be hard to keep lying about. I just hope he doesn't find out.

"Well you got me. I'm surprised." He smiles and kisses me. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"Ems why didn't you tell me you were pregnant!"

"Wait Nolan, who told you?"

"The British rat who used to work in Grayson Manor. You of all people should know word travels fast in the Hamptons. But still why did I find this out from her and not you?"

"I'm sorry for not telling you but you need to know this is all part of my plan."

"I'm confused, what plan?"

"I'm faking a pregnancy."

"And how does faking a pregnancy help with revenge?"

"It will distance Victoria's children."


"Long story short, Victoria will think she is losing Daniel. She'll try everything to get him back but I'll make sure that does not happen." I sigh "It's killing me inside to see Daniel so happy about it."

"It'll be okay Ems, just breathe."

"Thanks Nolan. I have to leave now. I'll text you later."

I hang up the phone whilst walking out the door to the car. I need to talk to Amanda.

When I got to the Stowaway I secretly hoped Jack wasn't there. Every time I talked to him it always seemed like he always wanted to say more than what he actually ended up saying.

I walked in the door to the bar and fortunately I found Amanda standing there without Jack.

"Hey Em I didn't know you would be stopping by, what brings you to the docks?"

"I need your help with something." I smiled.

"Okay, what?"

"I told Daniel I'm pregnant, but I'm not."

"Why would you do that, and why do you need my help?"Amanda was very confused but she had every right to be.

"I have a plan. I need your help convincing him that I actually am, and since you have some experience in this area, I need your advice." I said while pointing to her ballooned stomach.

She smiled while rubbing her stomach "Okay sure. When-" She was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Shit is was Jack.

"Hey babe I was just down by the boat and-" he finally noticed Emily standing there. "Emily what are you doing here?"

"I just stopped by to tell Amanda some exciting news."

"And that is?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Um...I'm pregnant." I saw a bunch of different emotions on his face. Sadness. Pain. A tiny bit of happiness. More pain.

He managed a smile "Congratulations. I'm sure Daniel is excited."

"Yeah he really enjoys the idea of being a father." A few silent moments pass and the awkwardness is too much to handle "I have to go now. I'll talk to you later Ams. Bye Jack." I waved and left.


Daniel got home from work I little later than usual, but as soon as he walked through the door I realized he looked troubled.

"Something wrong babe?" I asked

He just sighed "Work was hard and on top of that I still haven't told my parents about you and that stresses me out a little bit."

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek "It'll be fine. If you want, we could tell them together?"

"As you know Em, my mom doesn't exactly have a soft spot for you. I think I should do it alone."

"If that's what you want then of course that is fine with me." I smiled reassuringly.

He smiled back at me. "This is why I love you. you have the ability to make me feel better just my saying simple things like that." He kisses me. "I'll never get bored of the feeling I get when I kiss you"

"Never?" I say jokingly.

He kisses me again. "Nope. Never."

I smile when he says things like that, it makes me feel loved.



Okay first let me apologize for how long this update took. I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I love all of you and I don't like keeping you guys waiting.

Second, I'm sorry this chapter is a little short. I owe you more than this because I kept you waiting so long. I will try to resume my weekly updates. Don't get mad if they're a little late though because I'm VERY busy during the week.

Third, HOLY VICTORIA, REVENGE IS ON TONIGHT. I might faint from all the excitement. For all those who don't live in America, I really don't know how you guys go so long without Revenge. I would die if I had to wait any longer.

If you haven't watched the promo you NEED to watch it NOW!

Who shot Emily??????

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