-Chapter 1-

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Chapter 1
Abby's POV

When I was younger I was afraid of death. I'm mean in a sense we're all truly afraid of death. Maybe not the pain or the letting go part of death but the part of death where you actually have to face the fact that you're simply going to die. At one point or another you will die. I will die. Everyone will die. I didn't expect to die at a young age. Neither did all the other hunters in the world. As a hunter you die young. But here's the loop hole; nobody expects to be brought back.


I woke up my whole body felt like pins and needles were pricking me. My senses slowly came back to me and my memory came back. I remember fighting Jake and then I go blank until now. I look over at Sam after my eyes adjusted and he looked over at me confused. "What the hell happen?" He asked and yawned. We both heard a door shut causing our heads to swivel towards the source of the sound.

"Hey Sam! Hey Abby!" Dean said gleefully. His startling green eyes were bloodshot and had bags, but he wore a large grin. "How are you guys feeling?" Dean asked with his broad grinning face. I looked at Sam and raised an eyebrow. Sam coughed, "Fine thanks." Before either Sam or I could ask questions Dean went over to Sam and hugged him tightly. You could see a few tears slip from his eyes. After a moment or two Dean came over to me and gave me a long, passionate kiss.

"I love you." Dean mumbled as he stared into my eyes. "I love you too?" I asked in more of a question. "What did you do Dean?" I asked more loudly and audible. "Nothing, I- It was nothing." Dean panicked and spat out. I rolled my eyes and gave him a look saying we'd talk later. "I'm starving," I said and stretched my back out. "Bobby got some pizza actually." Dean said and practically thrusts the pizza in my face. I let out a low chuckle as Sam stole a piece from my plate.

"Hey! Not fair Sam, get your own!" I yelled as Sam laughed loudly. Dean was grabbing a beer and came back, leaning against the door frame. I felt his stare on my body, making me shiver. I glanced over and sure enough he was watching both Sam and I with a sad smile. Sam took a large bite of the pizza and began to chew like a cow. "Stop it you god damn slob!" I yelled and giggled. Sam just smirked and began to chew loudly again.

"So what do you remember?" Dean asked us after a few silent moments. "I remember Jake and I fighting and then I..." Sam's eyebrows furrowed. "It just goes black until now." Sam finished with a confused look. Deans face grew unsteady. "He hit your head off the ground pretty hard and thought you were dead. Bobby and I chased after him into the woods but he got away." Dean was lying and both Sam and I could tell.

Whenever Dean lies his nostrils flare and he licks his lips every few seconds. Then he'll run a hand through his short hair, its just what Dean did. I looked at Sam and we shared a look. "I just remember being beaten by Jake for a little while that's all for me." I lied, keeping a straight face as Dean nodded believing me. I knew I died and Dean did something to get Sam and I back.

"Where is Jake anyways?" Sam asked after a moment of silence passed. "He ran in the woods and I lost him, I had to check and make sure you guys were okay." Dean's face darkened as he spoke of Jake. "I swear I'm going to rip his damn lungs out!" He yelled as Sam tried to calm him down. I laughed. Both Sam and Dean looked over at me with confused looks. "Why was that funny? You never find it funny when Dean flips out like that." Sam asked as Dean's guilt written face looked away.

"I don't know..." I mumbled while staring intently at a crack in the wooden floor. "I don't know..." I said more to myself. What happened to me? What did Dean do to me?

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I screamed and stood up. "SAMS RIGHT. I NEVER LAUGH AT YOU WHEN YOU'RE ANGRY. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I screamed again and grabbed Dean by the coat and thrusted his body against the wall. "You did something to me and I want to know what it is." I growled. Dean laughed nervously. "Maybe it's already that time of month?" He offered with a nervous grin.

I punched the wall beside his head and pushed him roughly against the wall again. "You have exposed me to many different things Dean. Most of them bad. You practically ruined my life when I was only in high school. I could have gone to college, became a doctor or something, make mistakes, get married, have kids, I could've had a life Dean! So this is the least you owe me right now." I look deeply into his eyes which held sadness.

Sighing, obviously defeated, Dean finally spoke. "Abby you got a pretty crappy end of the stick. Jake got you in the abdomen with an iron pole after he nearly beat you to death. I didn't know what to do," Dean suppressed a sob and his tears in front of Sam and I. "We brought you and Sam here, so I let Bobby fix Sam and you up as I went to the crossroads. I made a deal-" "You what?!" I hissed as Dean looked down.

"The demon agreed to make you better but for two prices. One being that you would only have half of your soul." I laughed, hysterically. "I'm honestly fine with that why didn't you let her take it all?" I asked him bitterly as he shook his head. "BECAUSE I CANT BARE TO SEE YOU HURT ABBY. I wasn't going to be able to watch you struggle with things or even die in front of me. Because I love you, more than you know. I wanted a life with you too Abby. I wanted a family and to get married to you; to have a normal life! But when you're a hunter you don't get that! When you're dead you. Don't. Get. That." Dean's voice was loud enough to draw Bobby in.

"I can't fucking believe you." I hiss and walk over to the sink and lean against it. My breathing was shallow and uneven as I looked at the grimy sink. It was clearly infested with disgusting bugs. "You have the balls to make decisions for me? When did that happen? If I recall, you were a douche bag to me the past few months. If I think back to before Sam and I disappeared, I was practically a small parasite in your damn life; I wasn't a girlfriend I was a fucking cock block to you Dean. I prevented you from being a whore. But yet when you were drunk and in an emotional upset state, who helped you? I did! When you would push me into the wall for hugging you because you had finally come back after days, who sat there and simply helped you with your hangovers? I did! So listen clear Dean, never, ever make a decision for me again. Ever."

I closed my eyes and smiled. That felt nice. Having only half your soul wasn't so bad. Bobby and Sam had there mouths gapped open and Dean's jaw was clenched as were his fists when I looked over my shoulder. "Close your damn mouth." I snapped at Bobby and Sam. Silence came and left as I asked Dean a question. "How long do you have?" I asked, my eyes remaining closed so I could keep my calm composure. "What?" He asked clearly shocked that I knew. "How long do you have Dean?" I asked loudly and more sternly.

"One year." He whispered and that's when I lost it. "You thought that was good enough?!" I screamed and pushed him. He closed his eyes and nodded slowly. "Its not idiot." I whisper and hug him.

Pulling away from Dean, I turn towards Bobby and Sam's places and saw that they disappeared. I heard them talking outside. Walking outside, Dean pulled me back. "Just don't tell Sam yet. Please." He begged a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Okay Dean but tell him soon or I will." I hiss. I am not keeping his god damn secrets. Smiling, Dean's grip on my wrist loosened and I walked outside.

"Let's go find the son of a bitch that got Sammy boy and I and gank him."

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