I'm Back, I think?

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Alright guys, I'd like to apologize for my major disappearance, live has been so stressful and ugh yeah.

Update on Me:
I'm a senior this year so go me.
I'm taking all AP classes pretty much.
I still play soccer
AND that's really it

Updates have been nonexistent because well I've been busy trying to plow the way for my future if ya know what I mean.

So let's have real talk for a minute. I literally just went back and read the first 3 pages of I Promise, and yikes. It's terrible just to keep it short and simple for you guys. I was literally 12 or 13 with no real concept of writing at all. The plot for the whole story was terribly planned along with background information along with making sure things always lined up throughout the book and series.
Funny story about this story, I Promise was actually a book that I wrote on Word Documents for 6 months every night until like 12 am, which let me remind you I was literally like 12 or 13. So I apologize because I was like "well fuck it, I'll just copy and paste from documents to Wattpad". Tip for beginner writers: DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT JUST POST SOMETHING WITHOUT PROOF READING

Now that we talked about my mess of a book, I guess I should talk about where I go from here. Now I can either delete the series and rewrite it OR I can just edit what's there. OR I can just delete the book overall.
I'll be in college in a year and honestly I don't know how well my updating would mesh with my schedule. I do intend to play soccer during my college career but who knows.
Please let me know what you think I should in terms to the book and series in general.

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