-Chapter 2-

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Chapter 2
Abby's POV

To say I was having a shitty day so far was an understatement. I have half a soul, my kinda boyfriend is going to die in a year, and this Jake dude was being an ass. Fortunately enough we were at the Devils Gate, where Jake was trying to open the doors, but we stopped him.

"I'm sorry man, I got a family, I just needed to see them! That demon promised me I would!" Jake tried to reason with me, but I laughed. "I'm sorry!" He pleaded, tears streaking his face. I shook my head, this was amusing killing the man who originally killed me. I smiled and whispered into his ear, "Sorry doesn't cut it in this case Jake." I hiss, coming back away from his ear, I punch him once in the face. "That's for killing me." I yell. Another punch. "That's for beating Sammy." I yell again. "Wait! I killed him! He should be dead!" Jake yells.

I shook my head, "Guess again buddy." I smile evilly and punch him in the face again. "For getting half my soul taken away from me." I yell. Jakes face was bruised, blood spilling from the cuts on his face. I punch him 2 more times before Dean tries to drag me away. "No," I scream at Dean. "I want to kill him!" I scream again. Jakes deformed face resembles something of horror. I break free from Dean and go and kick him in the stomach. "I hope you fucking burn in hell." I yell and spit on him. One last kick before Sam actually came and got me.

I could hear his cries of pain, and I laugh. "Pussy!" I yell. Sam shakes my shoulders, "Abby, I'll take care of him okay? Just go with Dean." I nod and look over at Dean. He looks terrified, so does Bobby and Ellen. I hear gun shots go off as Jakes cries end suddenly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Then we hear clapping. "Bravo!" A voice calls out, and I know exactly who it is; Azazel. I turn and glare at him. "Abby, darling great to see you alive and kicking." He let out a hearty laugh.

"I swear to god Azazel, I'm going to kill you." I growl angrily and go to step towards him, only to feel Deans arms around my waist. "Abs, he's not worth it." Dean whispered in my ear. I nod stiffly, and release myself from Deans grip. "How are my two favorite Winchesters? Great I hope, nice to see Sammy boy all well but Dean I gotta say, bold move on your part." Azazel smiled and flung Bobby, Dean, Sam, Ellen and I back. I took a intake of breath and struggled to get up. It hurt like a bitch.

"I will kill you!" Dean yells and tries to charge at Azazel, only to be flung back again. Azazel looks at Sam. "I'll get to you in a minute, champ. But I'm proud of you- knew you had it in you. Sit a spell. So, Dean... I gotta thank you. You see, demons can't resurrect people, unless a deal is made. I know, red tape - it'll make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation. Now, I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. I liked him better than Jake, anyhow. Tell me- have you ever heard the expression, "If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is?" Azazel asked Dean. "How does my deal sound good at all?" Dean grunts.

"Well, it's a better shake than your dad ever got. And you never wondered why? I'm surprised at you. I mean... you saw what your brother and Abby just did to Jake, right? That was pretty cold, wasn't it? How certain are you that what you brought back, is 100%, pure, Sam? You of all people should know, that's what's dead, should stay dead. Anyway... thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. Until now, anyway. I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family." Azazel pauses and smiles at Dean.

"Lets not forget the one and only Abby. Gosh Dean, she's a pretty one ain't she?" He teases and steps towards me. "I'm proud of you too Abby, even when you had your whole soul you were very ruthless, but now... it's amazing what having only half a soul can do to ya, right? Let's make a deal, I'll open the gate and leave with no harm done to your friends, but you... can choose to come with me and lead this army. Sam and Dean and the others will be safe if you do. Choose not to and... it won't be pretty." I was fading in and out now, I hit my head pretty hard.

I could hear everyone telling me not to do it. I couldn't let them be in more danger then they already were.


With my blurry vision I saw Azazel walk towards me. "You little bitch." He growled. I felt him take my arm and yank on it, pulling it out of my socket and then doing the same to the other arm. My closed eyes flew open and I screamed in agony. "Hey!" I heard Deans deep voice yell. Azazel turned around laughing, but stopped, his body exploding with yellow light.

That's when all hell broke lose.

The gates flew open and spirits flew out. Flying low to the ground they came near me and I tried to curl up into a protective ball but couldn't. I cried out in more pain and agony. After minutes the sounds died down, and the spirits weren't near me at all. Trying to sit up, I failed and cried out.

I hated being weak I felt like a burden when I was hurt and weak. I could hear the group run over, Dean immediately at my side. "Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me, I want to help you. I need you to tell me." Dean cooed calmly. "My arms, Azazel pulled them out of the sockets." I grit my teeth, thank god that bastards dead. I could hear them argue over what to do.

"Bring her to a hospital!" That was Ellen.

"Get the car Sammy," That was Dean.

"No Dean, lets do it now!" That's Sam.

"Get her in the car, and do it at my house." That was my Uncle B of course.

"Guys," I say. Nothing. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yell. "We are going to pop them into place right now." I say calmly. They all try to argue but I hush them. Sam, being the only smart one helps me up. "I'll lean on the Impala, and Sam will pop them into place one at a time." I explain as we walk over to the Impala. "As smart as you may be girl, you are damn stupid." Ellen mutters and makes me laugh. "You love me Ellen," I smile widely as she laughs and nods. "Unfortunately," Ellen mumbles.

I lean on the trunk of the Impala, my stomach on the trunk. "Ready?" Sam asks. I nod and feel him grip my left shoulder first. "God damn I hate that bast-" I feel him push it into place. I groan loudly. "Next one Abby." Sam says and I nod again holding back my sob. "Azazel better be ready for me when I get into Hell god- SON OF A BITCH!!" I yell and smack my head against the trunk, accidentally knocking myself out.

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