~•Chapter 11•~

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[mention of blood and other stuff]

Xiao went to the place where he heard Aether's scream, he saw Aether on the floor.
He was curious why he fainted, Xiao looked inside the room and was shocked, he saw Ayaka sitting on a chair, covered in blood like she spit that much blood out to die on loosing too much blood.

Xiao tried to wake Aether up as he woke up Aether looked around and looked at Xiao who held him.
Aether went up and saw the blood covered Ayaka in her room.
He went up to her and touched her arm.
Aether realized it was cold that she was the next who died.

He knew Ayaka was right about what she said earlier.
She was right about Ayaka might be next, she was right that since he's here all there strange things happen, she was right that he's a monster.

Aether remembers that day they talked about that Aether should stay away from the others and Xiao will be her's.
It's not like Aether cares about Xiao after the break up anyways.

After some time the others were there  and investigated Ayaka's room.
Albedo couldn't hold his grin as he picked up the lipstick that's full of blood on the bottom.

Albedo's POV:

I went inside Ayaka's room and saw her corpse, I couldn't hold my smile, I was so happy that she was dead, I was sick of her talking bad stuff about Aether.
I picked up Ayaka's lipstick and put it inside my pocket to keep it as a trophy.

Perfect another weapon for someone who got murdered or even killed themselves.
I wonder how many people I have to kill just to get together with Aether, my little cutie.

I want to touch his beautiful honey coloured hair, his soft skin let's just say everything of his body.
Aether is too cute that when I see him I'll directly go crazy but I would do anything just to see him and his beautiful smile.

I went to Aether and hugged him from the back as he cried.
I buried my face in his hair that smelled like cotton candy.

Albedo: "hush, honey, everything will be okay.."

Aether: "..it won't be.."

Albedo: "honey.. it will.. just wait"

Aether: "..b-but... I wanted to..."

Albedo: "honey..?!"

Aether: "..."

Xiao: "why're you calling something that's mine 'honey'?"

Aether: "..shut up..."

Albedo: "yeah shut up!"

Xiao: "..ugh Aether don't trust him.. he's the yandere among us.."

Aether: "say's the one who read through my diary..!"

Xiao: "that's another story.."

Aether: "..... it's not..."

Albedo: "shut up"

I wanted to pick him up and leave the room but I decided not to do it I didn't wanted to make him uncomfortable.
Some of us left the room to rest even Aether left to Kazuha's room I wonder why?

ut I don't care as long as he's sleeping well.

I'll should plan on how to kill the others before actually taking Aether and get together with him just to do everything I'd like to do with Aether.
I love him.. but how should I tell him that without making him feeling weird?

And even after I pushed Venti his childhood friend into the zombies, letting Diluc eaten by zombies and poisoning Ayaka's lipstick just to get rid of them so they aren't in my way.
If someone touches Aether and he doesn't want it this person will have to die..!

I went inside my room and thought about how to get rid of Amber or Kokomi I don't know who of the two of them I should get rid of first.
Maybe Amber so she doesn't stop me from killing these weirdos from this group.

Aether's POV:

I went inside Kazuha's room to take a rest.
I didn't saw Kazuha but I didn't care where he is right now.
Someone knocked on the door as I opened it I saw Amber in front of it.
She entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"I have to tell you something!"

"What is it?"

"It's about the deaths and disappearance that are happening the past weeks"

"Why? Something you found out?"

"I think I know who's responsible for them.."


"I think it's '......' since I saw him smile to himself and he's the one who has access to the rooms"

"What why him?"

"It's possible I didn't said that you should suspect him!"

"But isn't it something you should be rally sure about?"

"Trust me if I'm not here anymore then it really was him"

"I see.."

"Take some rest, sleep well, good night!"

She said as she pat my head.
I layed down and wanted to fall asleep but couldn't I thought about what Amber told me.
After some time of thinking I finally fell asleep.


Sorry about that I accidentally published it before I finished this chapter T^T

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