Chapter 16: Preparation For The Incoming Threat

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

Me and my peerage members were now currently having a pool party at the back of our house as Me, Ravel, Isabela, Nel and Ile are in the pool while the rest are just resting at the pool side with Ni and Li visible scared of the water as they were Nekomata's.

Me and Ravel were now currentlt wresting against Isabela and Nel as Ravel was riding on my shoulders and Nel riding on Isabela's shoulders with Ile cheering on Nel.

Ravel:"Your going down! In the name of the Phenex Family!" She swore.

Nel:"Oh yeah! Well, in the name of the twins, I'll beat you, Riser-sama, Ravel-sama!" She replied back.

And so, Nel and Ravel were on a pushing battle as they held on each others hand while trying to push the other one off, while riding on both mine and Isabella's shoulders.

Y/n:"Are you having fun, Isabela?" I asked her.

Isabella:"Yes, Riser-sama!" She said in a happy tone.

After a while of pushing against our opponents, Nel finally let her guard down and accidently let's go one of Ravel's hand as she uses it to push Nel off, making her splash down onto the pool.

Ravel:"Woohoo! We won!" She started celebrating as she stands up on my shoulders.

Y/n:"!" I struggled to keep Ravel in balance.

And so, as she heard that, she does a cannonball from my shoulders as a big splash happens and me putting both of my arms against the pool's walls and lean on them from the soreness of balancing Ravel's whole body weight on my shoulders.

Y/n:"*Huffx2* Man...that was close." I said in relied that I managed to not drop Ravel.

I wasn't exactly worried about the weight. I can easily lift Ravel with one-hand. It's just that, she suddenly climbed up my shoulders and caught me by surprised.

While resting by the side of the pool, Yubelluna approaches me as she dips her feet on the water next to me.

Yubelluna:"You need some help, Riser-sama?" She asked me.

Y/n:"Yes please." I agreed.

She then dragged me out of the pool by my shoulders as she drags me all the way to the poolside beds as she lays me on one of them.

Yubelluna:"You want something to drink, Riser-sama?" She asked me.

Y/n:"Ice tea please." I requested as Yubelluna nods.

Xuelan had heard this as she goes back inside to the kitchen through the sliding glass door. While resting, I notice Karlamine was looking rather down after our interaction with Xenovia and Irina.

Y/n:"Karlamine, can you come over here for a minute?" I requested her.

Karlamine:"Huh? Oh, yes! Riser-sama!" She said a she walks over to my side. "You called, Riser-sama?" She asked me.

Y/n:"Yes I did." I answered. "Now tell me, what's wrong? Ever since we had that little scuffle with our certain guests, you've been acting quite down." I asked her worried.

She heard this as she puts her left arm on her right one as she clenches on it.

Karlamine:"I-I...It's private, Riser-sama. I would like to talk to you about it in a more private area if you are willing?" She said to me.

Y/n:"If it makes you comfortable to share your secret then it's fine." I agreed. "Look's like I'll be seeing you tonight in your room then." I said to her.

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