Chapter 25: Parent's Day Pt.2

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

After my little conversation with Sirzechs Lucifer, me, Ravel and I started preparing for mine and Ravel's parents as it was now currently around 12:05am.

Y/n:"Is this good?" I asked Bülent.

Bülent:"Just a bit more upwards, Riser-sama." She informed me.

I was currently hanging up a banner between the entrance of the living room that said Welcome! Mom and Dad!

Bülent:"Annnnd....Prefect! Just keep it that way, Riser-sama." She said to me.

She then climbed on a ladder with a hammer and a nail as she steps to the top platform as she then nails the banner into the wall.

After that, we finally hanged it successfully as we step off of our step ladders and look at the banner in the middle, making me smile.

Y/n:"Phew! Thanks for the quick help, Bülent." I thanked her.

Bülent:"Anytime, Riser-sama." She said as she bows. "Is there anymore chores that require my services?" She asked me.

Y/n:"Hmm...For now, just help anybody that needs it. Were pretty much set for everything we need." I answered.

Bülent:"As you wish, Riser-sama." She said as she leaves the entrance of the living room.

With the banner hanging done, I decided to go to the kitchen and check on Yubelluna, Siris and Mihae as I see them cooking up food for lunch when my parents arrive.

The 3 cooks saw me enter as they send a smile towards me.

Yubelluna:"Riser-sama, just when were about to call you in." She said to me.

Y/n:"Hmm? Is something the matter?" I asked as I go to their sides.

Siris:"Hai, if you would please taste the food, Riser-sama. We want to know what you think of it." She answered.

She then got out a spoonfull of something she cooked as she brings it up to my mouth.

Siris:"Say Ahh.." She said to me.

Ofcourse, I was a tad bit embarassed by her gesture as if I was a little a kid, but I decided to just go along with it for now. So, I open my mouth.

Riser:"Aahhh!..." I said with my mouth wide open for the food.

With that, she puts the spoon inside my mouth and feeds me as I taste the pork and realized what she was cooking.

Y/n:"Is this....Pork sisig?" I asked her.

Siris:"Hai. Yubelluna-san was kind enough to teach me how to cook it. Do you like it, Riser-sama?" She asked me for recognition.

Y/n:"Ofcourse, it's wonderful. You'd make good wife." I teasingly said.

It's quite obvious that the girls are in love with me and they are all trying to win my affection, but I don't think I'm ready...not what happened in my previous life.

After my little appreciation, I put my hand on her head and patted her as she visibly shows a smile of appreciation.

After my little appreciation, I put my hand on her head and patted her as she visibly shows a smile of appreciation

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