Chapter 28: A Time-Stopping Vampire

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" ":Talking
' 'Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

After the events last night, me and Yubelluna were now right outside the entrance of Occult Research Clubroom. Rias had asked me to be there for backup as she would break a seal that contained her other bishop.

Yubelluna:"Riser-sama. Do you know what kind of bishop Rias-sama has to warrant a seal?" She asked me.

Y/n:"...Honestly, I don't. This is my first time hearing about sealed bishop." I answered.

Starting now, this is all unknown territory of the DXD story for me. I only finished season 1 and only got half of Season 2 finished, since I got a bit bored. So, I have to be more cautious than I have been.

Y/n:"Though, one thing's certain. That bishop must be something else to warrant a seal from Sirzechs himself." I pointed out as Yubelluna agreed.


Y/n's pov:

Me, Rias and Sirzechs were currently inside of Issei's room. Sirzechs had asked us to meet him here, per Issei's permission since he had something important to tell the two of us.

Rias:"So...what do you want to talk about, elder brother?" She asked him.

Sirzechs:"Now, now, Rias. No need to be so formal. Call me onii-chan." He said as Rias just looks away, embarassed.

Rias:"...Just get to the point, elder brother. What is it that you called me and Riser for?" She asked.

Sirzechs:"'s about your...1st bishop." Sirzechs answered.

Rias's first bishop before Asia. This was all new territory for me, so I listened intently and carefully to assess the situation and how powerful is this 1st bishop.

Rias:"...Why? You know his too powerful for me."

Y/n:'So not that powerful, I assume.' I set a low bar for Rias's current power.

Sirzechs:"I know, but...despite you're lost to Riser during the rating game, I believe you are atleast a bit capable of controlling him now." He replied.

Y/n:"Excuse me but how am I involved in this? It seems to me it only involves Rias and her peerage." I pointed out.

Sirzechs:"You see, Riser. I'm not sure if you remember but...Rias's bishop is a special case. I would like you to be there just in case something goes wrong." He answered.

Y/n:"I'm a failsafe, to be exact?" I asked as Sirzechs nodded.

Sirzechs:"Yes. Although I do believe my little sister will be able to control him, It's better to only be safe. After all, his power is quite the rare one." He replied.


Y/n's pov:

Y/n:"A rare ability. Just what could it be?" I asked myself.

Something among the lines of rare in the DXD world are just something else. Even a power such as flame manipulation can be seen as weak, thanks to the diversity of magic.

All of a sudden, my head began to hurt as well as I pinch the bridge of my nose and bit my lip to ease the pain, while Yubelluna saw this and went to my side.

Yubelluna:"Riser-sama, are you sure you don't want to rest?" She asked me.

Y/n:"Ye-yeah...I'm fine." I replied.

Ever since the party, my head let out pain filled headaches. I didn't even drink last night, let alone drank alcohol to have a huge headache. But, I merely chocked it off and continued.

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