Chapter 24: Parent's Day

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

It's currently been about a few days since our fight with Kokabiel as I was mine and my peerages home as I in the balcony, thinking about the future.

Y/n:'Now, time for a new approach. Right now, I have no idea on what happens next in the series.' I said in my head.

When I first arrived here, I was relying on the fact that I know what will happen in the world of Highschool DXD and using thay advantage for my own goals and benifits.

But right now, after the Kokabiel fight, I have no idea whats going to happen next, only the fact that the summit will be taking place after a few days.

Y/n:"*Sigh* This is gonna be difficult." I said to myself as I began to slouch on my sit.

Just then, as I began to slouch, I suddenly hear the balcony door to see Ravel enter.

Ravel:"Onii-sama, something seems to be bothering you. What's wrong?" She asked me worried.

Y/n:"It's nothing. Your brother has it covered." I reassured.

Ravel:"Are you sure? Ever since your victory against Kokabiel, you've been rather on-guard than usual." She pointed out.

Y/n:"It's nothing, really. I just have a habit of planning for the future." I answered.

Ravel:"A-are you sure?" She asked me.

Y/n:"Yes, go and enjoy this time of peace, cause I doubt it'll last." I suggested.

Ravel:"O-okay, if you say so, Onii-chan." She replied.

And so with that, she gave a brief bow and then left, leaving me alone in the balcony with my daily dose of caffeine, that is just mocha milk tea.

Y/n:"*Sigh* Maybe a well deserved nap can help me." I said feeling a bit bored.

As I began to ponder around in my thoughts, my phone suddenly started ringing in my pockets as I grabbed it and answered.

Y/n:"Hello?" I said through the phone.

Lady Phenex:"Riser sweetie, it's been a while." My mother answered through the phone.

Y/n:"Mother? Is that you? What made you call?" I asked her.

Lady Phenex:"What? Can't a mother just talk with her own son after being seperated for so long!?" She asked me.

Y/n:"N-no, mom. It's just that, You haven't been calling me as often as you did. So, I thought you were busy." I answered.

Lady Phenex:"Oh, Hellish no. I can't be too busy when it comes to my children." She replied making me feel happy. "Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk to you was that, me and your father will be visiting." She revealed.

Y/n:"WHAAAT!?" I yelled in shock.

As I yelled, I suddenly hear running towards me as I see Ravel slam open the balcony door.

Ravel:"Onii-chan, is something wrong!?" She asked worried.

Y/n:"I-It's nothing. Just mother." I answered. "S-so, why exactly are you coming?" I asked mom.

Lady Phenex:"Well, it has been a while since we met and it's quite lonely without the two of you in the mansion anymore. And Sirzechs Lucifer-sama mentioned something about Parent's day?" She said.

Hearing that Sirzechs potentially told them about this, made a tick mark appear from my forehead as I imagine him laughing somewhere out there.

Hearing that Sirzechs potentially told them about this, made a tick mark appear from my forehead as I imagine him laughing somewhere out there

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