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If your calendar says it's November, it's time to get busy on your next story (or finish the one you've been grinding away on)

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If your calendar says it's November, it's time to get busy on your next story (or finish the one you've been grinding away on). At the Boot Camp Mentors, we love this time of year because it gives us a chance to help all of our fellow writers keep the creativity flowing.

What is November's 30 Day Writing Challenge?

It's an annual writing challenge that happens every November, when writers across the globe are encouraged to write 50,000 words in 30 days. And since Wattpad is a global platform, it feels like a match made in heaven.

A few facts about this challenge based on questions we've received.

Q - Is it okay if the 50,000 words are unedited?

A - Yes! This month it's about quantity over quality. Remember that every moment you spend editing something you've already written is a moment you're not adding to your word count. Just get that rough draft written and don't worry about editing until December.

Q - Is it okay to continue a story I've already started, or do I have to start a new story to participate in November's 30 Day Challenge?

A - You can continue an ongoing story or you can start with a fresh story. Either one is fine! It's really about word count. Let's say you finish an ongoing story before reaching 50K words, you can start a new story if you're determined to hit the 50K target. And don't forget to congratulate yourself on finishing that novel!

Q - If I have a completed story that I'm making extreme revisions to and I'm adding a lot of new scenes and chapters, does this type of extreme revising count toward the 50K?

A - It can be tricky keeping track of new words being added to an existing story, but it can be done. You may find that it's easier to keep track of word count if you write new sections of an existing story as opposed to simply replacing words.

Is the BCM profile the only place we can share our progress during November's 30 Day Writing Challenge?

No. The Ambassadors run a monthly writing challenge called the 30 Day Challenge on their justwriteit profile. They host this challenge every month of the year, which encourages writers to participate during a timeframe that fits their schedule.

Will there be prizes awarded for participation in this initiative?


Milestone Badges! - If you enjoy stickers for your story covers (or profile banners), the Boot Camp Mentors will be awarding badges to writers who reach the word count milestones of 10K, 20K, 30K, 40K, and 50K

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Milestone Badges! - If you enjoy stickers for your story covers (or profile banners), the Boot Camp Mentors will be awarding badges to writers who reach the word count milestones of 10K, 20K, 30K, 40K, and 50K. These badges work best if they're used on stories that are being posted to Wattpad. We will use the honor system for our milestone celebrations.

50K Promo Shout-out! - If you hit the 50K mark by midnight November 30th, and you have posted your work in progress on Wattpad, you will receive a shout-out on our message board with a link to your profile, your story title, plus a 1-phrase description that captures the hook or premise of the story. For example, "fairies in space" or "a hero's journey, but the dragon is the hero" or "a hapless new-hire falls for her weird boss".

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Be sure to visit our Milestone Makers chapter to share your progress. And if you manage to hit that elusive 50K word count, leave a comment in the Milestone Makers chapter so we can be sure you and your story are promoted on BCM's shout-out. We will shoot for the first week in December to broadcast our 50K promo.

 We will shoot for the first week in December to broadcast our 50K promo

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November's 30 Day Writing ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now