Works in Progress

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Get ready to capture the spotlight

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Get ready to capture the spotlight.

We hope you've decided to take part in November's 30 Day Writing Challenge and share your work in progress on Wattpad. If you have, we encourage you to share the title and link to your ongoing WIP in the #30dc-wips channel of our Discord server or in the comment section of this chapter.

Remember that we're here to support our fellow writers. So keep each other motivated by visiting BCM member profiles, reading new chapter posts, and leaving comments.

👉Please only share links to stories you are writing for November's 30 Day Writing Challenge. It's the polite thing to do.

👉Consider including something in your story description, title, or first chapter of your story explaining that you are writing for November's 30 Day Writing Challenge.

👉When sharing stories in the #30dc-wips channel of our Discord server (link in bio), please keep comments out of the channel so story links don't get lost in the scroll.

👉When sharing stories in the #30dc-wips channel of our Discord server (link in bio), please keep comments out of the channel so story links don't get lost in the scroll

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November's 30 Day Writing ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now