Blurbs and Loglines

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Just like a shiny billboard, your blurb and logline tell people what they'll find in the pages of your story

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Just like a shiny billboard, your blurb and logline tell people what they'll find in the pages of your story. And you can't post a story on Wattpad without a fabulous blurb and logline to attract potential readers.

We have created a space on our Discord server where you can share the blurb and logline of your work in progress. Look for the #blurbs-and-loglines channel. Or you can post your blurb and logline in the comment section of this chapter.

Like the Summary Challenge, you are not required to share your blurb and logline. But if you do, please remember that community feedback is voluntary. And please be courteous with your input.

 And please be courteous with your input

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