crackter 6

14 1 23

scen 2 part 3 carnage is fun, actually


the funni hat man was a strange boy, Amelia decided. Very strange. Also the meathead bitches were weaklings.

Amelia watched in amusement as two fully adult males failed to restrain an actual frickin child.

Amelia's guard, who actually seemed to be pretty poggers ngl, looked kinda concerned and didn't wanna intervene

and then boom, one of the guards managed to actually pin the funny hat kid to the ground

Then the other guard started caving the kids skull in as one does.

It was very disturbing.

and the air smelled like blood.

Amelia wondered if this behaviour was normal for this weird hospital place. Probably not judging by the concerned and mortified expressions of everyone around.

Amelia stood there visibly concerned for a minute before suddenly boom, this tall dude in a suit with red hair and this short girl in a blue and white striped hoodie who looked also the same age as Amelia followed him with a clipboard and tried to look important.

'What the fuck is going on here?' The redhead said.

and oh god he was kinda scary ngl. Like everyone spoke in silly goofy tones except him.

Now it was the two guards turn to look absolutely terrified

The guards who caved in the kids skull looked like they were gonna piss and shit themselves in fear. Rightfully so, though. Even Amelia felt somewhat intimidated by the red hair guy's presence, and Amelia was super cool and swag ™️

'Ah, hello Daniel.' The scary redhead said to the biggest meathead guard who had helped cave the kids skull in. The very scary redhead guy spoke in one of those faux cheerful tones, the tones that disappointed parents spoke in before they beat up their kids. It made Amelia's stomach feel upsetti spaghetti

The Daniel guard looked positively terrified to be addressed by name from the redhead guy

'Hah- boss- um- you see- it's not what it looks like! He um- he tried to attack me because I tried to take his hat! It was— self defence, you see??' The Daniel guard said, gesturing at anything and everything to try and make an excuse

Amelia had several questions- namely questions related the redhead guy. Who was he? Why was everyone scared of him? Why did that guy just refer to him as "boss"? And why was he so damn young? He, and the girl in the blue and white sweater and blue beanie looked very young, with Amelia guessing that the redhead guy was probably around sixteen or seventeen whilst the girl following him looked the same age as Amelia. Also why did those mf's get to keep their clothes? Amelia was jealous. She wanted her las vegas nevada hoodie back.

The scary guy walked across the room to the petrified Daniel.

'Daniel, Daniel, Daniel-' the redhead guy started, placing a hand on Daniel's shoulder like how a disappointed principal would place a hand on a troublesome student's.

It was at this moment when Daniel knew— he fucked up.

'What have I told you, and specifically you, not to do to children?' The scary man asked

'R-rape them?' Daniel replied shakily.

amelia blinked in surprise at that because literally what the fuck, isnt it common knowledge not to do that to children what the fucking shit

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