Experience the world of Liviah, another world which exist light and darkness, magic and creatures and monsters, swords and villages, knights and wars, towns and kingdoms, cities and mystical places, floating skys and different dimensions.
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When Xezu left the temple of the 2nd Plane of Liviah and returned back to normal Liviah, he went back to the beach of the first village upon which his venture first started out.
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As he approached the bench he gazed at the sea off into the night sky as the cool wind breezed. Even though Sogil had healed him, his emotions where still wounded.
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"You know. I wouldn't had expected betrayal and lies like this. There was plenty of opportunity for the plane truth. It true what Sogil said. I guess some people are simply just evil. Good to see it first hand, you really can't change people."
He muttered to himself.
Luna then appeared.
"You know Ealia was evil. It why the Divine Arch sent her back. And well, things could've carried on without peace and without end. "
Luna explained.
"I feel so empty"
Xezu said and Luna cuddled and brurreled her nose with his and they began to kiss.
"You're not empty. You have the opportunity to find and create real stars now"
Luna explained as she turned her gaze towards the sea.
"Is that really true?"
Xezu asked.
"There some who desire the dark arts, others who recruit others into the dark arts and others who use the dark arts to suppress the light and what's fair and right. There isn't much too this world at all, and well we both know there is only one true light or anything worth mentioning.
People like us? 1 in a thousand and we don't have as much as I wide earth as we should have. Where nearly chased off the planet but the Chaos in it yet shine to brightly that it won't invade, who can make sense of which a one way destiny? Truly you won't find the answers in the world which they exide"
Luna said.
Xezu said.
Luna giggled.
"Luna you're from my world and also in my world we have a different name for light. Elsa, Mina, Rina, Sogil and the others all including Zor and Yuna all came from my world's Divine Realms to come assist me here in Liviah.
"As you came here darkness from your world tried to follow"
Luna explained.
"You should go in find Mariah. I doubt she's here. It been months since you been here and more then likely she's probably away on a quest somewhere"
Luna said.
"Like Where?"
Xezu said to himself.
The night carried on and Luna and Xezu sat by the campfire.
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"When tbey betrayed me you was there. I was empty and alone and drained. They dug their vicious claws and treacherous ways against me. I came with peace and hope. And they smacked it out of my hands, took me and stabbed me in the back several times, tried to kill me again with lies and excuses, just like 10 years ago. I barely escaped that battle. I really didn't have much left and you blanketed me until reinforcement arrived. After the whole ordeal, what was there to come back from? It seemed like winning the fight proved nothing in the end, now where here."
Xezu said.
"Here isn't so bad."
Luna explained.
"I always thought well of people, thanks to Mariah and such, but after what I saw up there on that field, I never want to be anywhere else again..."