Experience the world of Liviah, another world which exist light and darkness, magic and creatures and monsters, swords and villages, knights and wars, towns and kingdoms, cities and mystical places, floating skys and different dimensions.
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It was night time and evening coming in. I was walking along the Gardens. Then as I looked up on the railing, it was Luna.
"Hey hubby"
She said to me.
I looked at her.
Luna looked at me.
"Don't play dumb"
She then jumped and flipped down and as she landed I place one hand toward my sword.
"Don't take another step. I don't know how you got in so easy"
Xezu said.
Luna smirked.
"Hahaha. Ooo really?"
Luna then brushed against me and pulled my arms around her.
"So soft... isn't the stars beautiful tonight?"
Luna embrace was warm and her hair tickled my face as she leaned into me, my body against hers.
"Why are you here"
I asked.
Luna smirked.
"What kind of question is that? To be with you of course?"
Luna said gently.
Luna then looked at me leaning her head back against my chest and she moved in for a kiss as my lips touched hers and interlocked. I felt her tongue brush against mines.
"Haha, you love it, don't you"
Luna said delightfully.
I looked at her with plane face.
"For generations now. You kind has been around. And well. Truth has finally prevailed. I realize destiny ties down to nobody.
People move on from things and places. And destiny isn't determined by who you know and don't know in a likely since. Destiny always been determine by the light, where you start is not where you end.
People are living entirely different lives from where they had started, having their own families and finding a life outside of their past and what use to hold them back. I realize a generational curse can't be one if you don't abide in it. The people around you don't determine who you get to be or become or who you are. They don't determine what you get to see and where you get to go and how far you can go. Only one person can make that distinction.
Humans think they know the path you should take but there only one person who knows your life and how to do it right.
For years, I watched everyone, abided with them, sought their counsel, only to realize they where living underneath the standard. But there was one who ways showed me there was a better way, that I could be more then what I could imagine"
I said as I held Luna in his arms. Luna smiled.
"I love you so much"
She said as she smiled at me.
I looked at her.
"I say this. The world is dark, darkened. Light is dark and dark is light. The balance of the world cracked hard. The young don't look out for one another but rip each other apart. In some cities towns don't know light, true light. Real light. They know to how dark everything is. The watch the advance fall to darkness and so become what they have seen, but does one know the one who has pure? What is it If you live long to see yourself become the villain. Luna. I'm going to stay here and train harder then ever. We must fight for a world that loves and protects each other"
I said to her.
"Yea? So you're going all the way huh?"
Luna said.
"That means?... we have to fight each other eventually won't we?"
Luna said.
"I let you know, even if you fight? Fight hard, the only person you can save in the end? Is yourself."
Luna said as she then turned and kissed me.
I felt her soft lips touch mine.
"So fight your own battles and maybe you will be able to help someone else fight"