Experience the world of Liviah, another world which exist light and darkness, magic and creatures and monsters, swords and villages, knights and wars, towns and kingdoms, cities and mystical places, floating skys and different dimensions.
The Return of Divine Powers. Holding on by a thread. Pt 3.)
Yomai having spoken to Xezu smiled and got up. She hugged him. Xezu eyes lowered.
"I..... I'm not.... a ....a.. Divine Knight..."
Xezu said.
Yomai shook her head.
"You are. I sense it within you just like you sensed it within me. If I have to be honest. Maybe you've been around Monsters for too long. You failed to discover what it means to be human for yourself. Haven't you? I'm having a clear conversation with you, there's no deceit or fakeness greed or false motives. I'm not here to steal kill and destroy or to manipulate like evil queens and witches most normally do. It too soon to loose sight of yourself because of a bad run. Start over."
Yomai said.
"Start over?"
Xezu asked.
"Start over... and retrain as a Divine Knight."
Yomai said.
Xezu's eyes slowly became more concious.
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"I forgot people like you.... actually existed......"
Xezu said.
"You know I'm apart of a Royal Family. But in comparison your Divine Light helped a lot, remember, I am no better then you are, I think you ran into a bad group, been through some bad storms, come across some people who where in a bad way. "
Yomai said.
"If their integrity where strong as ours? We all be helping each other"
Yomai said.
"However, you can't hold it against them for being weak, but you can hope they will become strong"
Yomai said.
"What you say? I have a private Dojo in Oila. You can train there and invent the Divine Arts for yourself until your heart's content. Sogil good company but you also need some good people watching over you as well so something like this doesn't happen again, what you say?"
Yomai said.
"You do that for me?"
Xezu asked.
"Of course, after all aren't we friends?"
Yomai asked.
"I don't care what it takes, I make sure I see that smile again on your face again"
Yomai said.
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"Me...?.... Inventing the Divine arts for myself.....? .....I'm.... nothing..."
Xezu said but Yomai shook Xezu.
"You are who you allow yourself to become! So become your reinvention!"
Yomai shouted.
Sogil then approached.
"Sorry Yomai.... it's late...."
Sogil said with a yawn as she entered the room.
"Yes. I understand."
Sogil escorted her outside and Yomai explained her idea to Sogil.
"That's actually..... a great plan. Yes. Xezu can enroll as a student. He be able to be amongst those with like minded goals and pursuits. I think by tnat he be able to redevelop the skills he needs to become stronger then he ever been alone"
Sogil said. Yomai smiled and nodded.
"Then I be here tomorrow morning. Close to noon"
Yomai said.
Sogil waved as she left and closed the door.
"Alrigjt you. Looks like there's a big day ahead tomorrow. Things are looking brightly again aren't they? I'm sure this new experience is what you been yearning and also what you been needing all along"
Sogil said as she dimmed the lights. Sogil got in bed next to Xezu and kissed his cheek.