Cheerleaders & Party Creepers

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"I don't need a ride to school, I'm not a child."
"No but you also failed your drivers test 8 times.." Jeff countered, "You can't even take it again until you turn eighteen.." Which is stupid and my birthdays not even for another 7 months..

"Jen can take me!"

"Uh no she can't.." My dad sighed again looking over at Jen who continued to sip her coffee instead of helping him out.
"She has a lot of work for this new store and I think she's suffered enough of your abuse.."
"Jen loves me." I flopped on the couch, almost spilling her coffee in the process. "Right, other mother?"
"Auden.. you know I love you." She shook her head laughing, "but your either walking or catching a ride to school with Zevon's son."
"How far is it to this stupid school?"
"5 mile walk Aud.."

"Call Zevon and tell him I accept.."
"Noted.. but school isn't even for another month so there's plenty of time to get to know your carpool buddy and tell him yourself." My dad patted me on the head before walking away from me and leaving me on the couch with Jen.

"You think he's cute don't you."
"I don't do athletes."
"...are you.. sexually—-"
"—-and this is where we draw the line." I took her coffee and made my way to my room.

"Auden I was still drinking that!"
"Your bladder can't handle it Jen!"


It was noon on a Friday of all days, it's exactly three days since moving to this terrible town and I'm officially beginning to get upset.

I should be on the beach, in Huntington, day drinking with my friends.

Instead I was here at the mall with my step mom.
Like what the fuck!

"Your not from around here are you?" A giggle gained my attention, with a roll of my eyes I turned around to find a blonde with a high pony. A girl with dark curly hair stood to the side of her.
"Obviously.." I gestured, I knew I stood out. Jen and I both did, with her bright colors and my black shorts and white cropped cami in a sea of preppy pastels.
"Lacey leave the tourists alone." The girl behind the blonde finally joined the conversation.
"We're not tourists, we bought the house on Winners Court.." Even saying it out loud made me cringe. Seriously what is wrong with this town..
"Oh your the one that moved into the Pink stone?" Suddenly the one named Lacey was looking like she was sizing me up.

"Auden— oh.. sorry did you finally meet some people!?" Jen smiled brightly as she tucked me into her side.
"Is this your sister?"
"Sister? god no I'm the step mom, Jen nice to meet you! I'm actually opening a little clothing boutique here in the mall." Stacey and Lacey exchanged glances making me oddly self conscious for once in my life.
"Are you hiring?"  Okay not what I was expecting...
"We really need summer jobs." Stacey nervously laughed as she looked anywhere but me. Looks like needing help wasn't exactly something these girls were familiar with.
"Actually I am, on Monday I get the keys to the shop.. Wanna meet me here around noon? We can talk then."
"Omg! This is amazing..  In the mean time Auden was it? We can totally show you around." Lacey suggested with Stacey eagerly nodding behind her.

"That would be perfect! You girls are great! Have fun!" Jen quickly made her exit leaving me with the two complete strangers. Jen thought she was the cool mom but this definitely was borderline child abandonment.
"We know everyone around here and we can totally introduce you to the right people, c'mon!"
The right people?
....who were the wrong people?


"Do you drink beer?" Lacey asked as we approached a gathering of teenagers, red solo cups stood out in there hands as bonfires began to be lit.

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