Snobby Dicks & Cool Chicks

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My eyebrows pulled together in confusion as yet again, Auden's eyes met mine with a frown before she turned away quickly.

She turned to Jacey, accepting yet another handsy lesson from the cheerleader.

It was getting under my skin and apparently it was obvious.

"Okay you've struck out like three times now.."

"What?" Turning to Bonzo who had a knowing smirk on his face. "Strikes are good?"

"I'm not talking about your bowling game. I'm talking about your other game... or lack of game.. How have you single handily fucked up with three different girls tonight?" There was a hint of sarcasm but it only made me roll my eyes.

I was up next to bowl, lining up my shot before I gave it a hard release. Turning back to Bonzo with a smirk.
"I've only talked to like two chicks.."

A loud crash signaled that I had just gotten another strike.

"I'm counting a certain Seabrooker in the score.."

"I haven't even—I'm not even interested." Bonzo grinned as I stumbled over my words. Luckily Eliza was in the bathroom still. The second she got word of this she would .. freak.

"Right.. that's why you just stare at her like a creeper.."

"My dad would have my ass if something happened to her while I was around.." Partly true. He knew if something bad happened to Auden and he was aware of it his dad would be pissed. Not to mention Jen, her step moms been super nice to him but he could tell she had the protective instinct of a mother bear who's cub was just threatened.

But even he knew the real reason he found himself keeping an eye on her was for something more than that.

".. Do you think she knows about.. Voldemort?" I couldn't help the small grin Bonzo's nickname for my ex brought to my face, or the pang of heartache that the thought of her still brought.

The realization of what he had just suggested though caused my smile to falter.

"Fuck.. I should've know they would tell her some bullshit lies.." My fingers pulled at the roots of my hair, a habit when I was stressed. Which seemed like all the time now.

"Just clear the air, I'm sure she'll believe you if you explain your side of it. She seems cool."

"Who seems cool?" Eliza butted in, making both guys jump as their best friend laughed.

"You guys are such pussy's, so what's next?"

"Powerhouse?" Bonzo suggested, the idea of leaving the alley though made Zed a little uncomfortable.

She was going to be leaving with the cheer drones for Bucky's party soon enough.. Plus from the look of things it didn't seem like she would be running to him for help any time soon.

He knew Bonzo was right, if he just explained things, was up front and honest with her. She would probably believe him but his destructive side nagged him in the back of his head.

She should keep her distance from you.. it's really for the best.

"Yeah, powerhouse sounds perfect." I piped up, grabbing my shoes to switch out. "Let's get out of here."

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