Past Facts & AssHats

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"Way to show your face!" Eliza grabbed my attention first as the attendant at the desk handled over a pair of pastel pink bowling shoes. Fucking color coded town..

"Sorry had some stuff to do.." She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth as her eyes widened.

"You did stuff or someone?" Bonzo barked out a laugh, my two best friends just loved giving me shit. In their defense they said they had three years of shit talking to catch up on. A small frown tugged at my lips as the thought crossed my mind. Just another fucked up decision I made.. for Addison.

It was the first day of Seabrook high when he met her, walking through the auditorium he had seen her freaking out about being absolutely perfect for cheer try outs later that day. She was a nervous wreck and very shaky from not eating anything that day. Luckily he had some protein bars in his back pack and offered her one. Made sure she drank some water and we started talking. Zed explained how he was on my way to football try outs but assured her she was going to nail her cheer try outs.

It was easy to see her eyes flickering from his face to his cheap hand me down pastel clothes. How he and the rest of the Zombietown kids weren't exactly fitting in. Once she made the cheer squad the next day she found him practicing on the field during lunch. He had made the team but the guys made him feel like an outcast, he needed to prove he was the best.

"I can help you Zed.. help you fit in you know?"

"What do you know about needing to fit in? Your.. your perfect." Addison looked up at him as if no one had ever spoken those words to her.

"My hair—it's a wig."


"Your going to need some help. The guys are never going to accept someone from Zombie Town.." She had a point.
"...What did you have in mind?"

He changed his clothes, the way he talked, the friends he had.

All for a girl who just used him every step of the way.


"It wasn't like that.." Mumbling under his breath, Zed followed them to the lane they had been occupying. His eyes scanning the lanes around them.

"Looking for a certain Seabrooker?" Bonzo teased as Eliza was busy entering in Zed's name for the bowling rotation.

Zed glared at his best friend but he was right. He was looking for Auden. He had driven behind the alley, dropped her off where no one would notice her hoping off the back of his bike.

"Worry less about me and more about getting laid.. How long has it been again Bonz?" A elbow to his friends gut and blow to his ego successfully got him to drop it.

"Play nice you two! We don't need to get kicked out of here.. again." Cringed Eliza her thoughts drifting back to when her mom stood on the porch watching her and her friends getting out of a cop car past curfew one night.

"Hey we were wasted before we got here last time.."

"Yeah we're not getting fucked up until after I annihilate Z's ass in bowling."

Home With You   (Zed Necrodopolis AU) Where stories live. Discover now